Haskell on Mac OS X release?

Johan Nordlander nordland@cse.ogi.edu
Sun, 22 Jul 2001 12:10:03 +0200

Hi Howard,

As you've probably experienced, compiling Hugs under MacOS X is 
failry straightforward, and the current CVS version of Hugs 
actually compiles right out of the box.  To download a copy, go 
to cvs.haskell.org and follow the instructions.  The next 
official Hugs release (which is slightly delayed but still due 
this summer) will of course support MacOS X as well.

However, only the standard text-based interface is supported, 
and no graphics libraries have yet been ported to MacOS X as far 
as I know.  A more advanced GUI similar to the WinHugs interface 
would of course be neat, but in my mind a port of Alastair 
Reid's Graphics Library library would be much more valuable.  So 
if you'd like to have a go with such an effort, it would be much 
appreciated.  Please contact me or Alastair Reid 
<reid@cs.utah.edu> if you'd like to discuss this in more detail.

Thanks for your interest!

All the best,

On Monday, July 16, 2001, at 08:06  PM, Howard Oakley wrote:

> [newbie alert]
> Although I have seen ports of HUGS and GHC to Mac OS X beta, is anyone
> actively working on ports for the release version of OS X?
> (I have the current HUGS up and running, and am looking at 
> porting one or
> more of the compilers when life quietens down a bit towards the 
> end of this
> month. Has anyone any server space to hold binaries? Although new to
> Haskell, I'm fairly experienced at porting to Mac and OS X, 
> including LAM
> and Charm++. I'm also wondering about interfaces between 
> Haskell and OS X
> graphics etc....)
> Howard.
> Dr Howard Oakley            * M1BWR: QRV on 2, 4 & 6 m SSB
> EHN & DIJ Oakley            * Internet howard@quercus.demon.co.uk
> Brooklands Lodge            * CompuServe 70734,120
> Park View Close             * http://www.quercus.demon.co.uk
> Wroxall, Ventnor            * voice +44 1983 853605
> Isle of Wight, PO38 3EQ, UK * fax   +44 1983 853253
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