ffi & recursive data types
Alastair Reid
Mon, 2 Apr 2001 12:26:38 -0600
> I'm new in ffi stuff and tools like greencard.
> Everything was working ok, until I wanted to:
> translate a haskell recursive data type(list,trees,etc) into
> a corresponding C type and back again.
> How can I do this?
If you want to see how to convert Haskell lists into arrays, look at the string support in StdDIS.gc or look at the handling of
lists of <almost anything> in the various greencard examples out there (like the X11 support in the HGL).
If you want to convert haskell data structures to isomorphic C data structures, you want to write a C constructor function which
will allocate and initialize an object corresponding to each Haskell constructor and then write a Haskell function which will copy
the data structure from Haskell to Haskell (this is a warmup) and then convert it to copy from Haskell to C.
And to convert back, you define functions with which to implement "pattern matching" on the C objects and use those to modify your
copy function again.
For example:
data T = T1 Int | T2 Int T T
enum T_tag { T1, T2 }
struct T1 { int tag; int f1 }
struct T2 { int tag; int f1; union T* f2; union T* f3 }
union T { T1 t1; T2 t2 }
union T* mkT1(int f1) { ... malloc ... }
union T* mkT2(int f1, union T* f2, union T* f3) { ... malloc ... }
int fromT1(union T* t, int *f1_out) {
if (t->t1.tag == T1) {
*f1_out = t->t1.tag;
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
int fromT2(...) { ... }
data T_C = ...
%fun mkT1 :: Int -> IO T_C
%fun mkT2 :: Int -> T_C -> T_C -> IO T_C
%fun fromT1 :: T_C -> IO (Maybe Int)
% details a bit tricky... may need to be done in 2 steps...
%fun fromT2 :: T_C -> IO (Maybe (Int,T_C,T_C)
% ditto
copy_H2H :: T -> IO T
copy_H2H (T1 f1) = return (T1 f1)
copy_H2H (T2 f1 f2 f3) = do
f2' <- copy_H2H f2
f3' <- copy_H2H f3
return (T2 f1 f2' f3')
copy_H2C :: T -> IO T_C
copy_H2C (T1 f1) = mkT1 f1
copy_H2C (T2 f1 f2 f3) = do
f2' <- copy_H2C f2
f3' <- copy_h2C f3
mk_T2 f1 f2' f3'
-- can probably be coded more elegantly using maybe, fromMaybe, Maybe monad, etc.
copy_C2H :: T_C -> IO T
copy_C2H t =
case fromT1 t of
Just f1 -> return (T1 f1)
Nothing -> case fromT2 t of
Just (f1,f2,f3) -> return (T2 f1 f2 f3)
Nothing -> error "copy_C2H: invalid T_C object"
More advanced versions of this method might:
o avoid the IO monad if the T_C objects are truly immutable
o convert data structures lazily (using unsafeInterleaveIO)
o preserve sharing within T_C objects (using pointer equality tests)
o preserve sharing within T objects... Ummm, no, that's probably not legal.
Hope this helps,
Alastair Reid