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>From ltaesch Sun Apr 1 20:36:25 2001
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To: Luc taecsh <ltaesch@europemail.com>
Subject: Re: beginners silly question : apologies and lib question
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last week , i had some issues about ghc install on win.
since i found the win install page on ghc page, which i followed, and it now
works. so apologies for whining too early.
can i have libs in the same directory dor both ghc and hugs ?
or are there incompatiblities ?
mentionnaing that, i havent found how to setup lib path in ghc in the user man.
any variable, or command line options ?
Luc taecsh wrote:
> 3)if i get some good stuff done, id like to compile them , as small
> utilitaries. (best way to turn H in my daily job)
> my first try at ghc was not that fun (deppendencies on gcc, libs, and so on)
> as a alternative, ive tried under linux (m7.2),where ghc is installed by
> default, but even here , were i was expecting fluentness, its not cristal
> clear, hangs, missing bits i dont understand. no samples/ demo ? or is it a
> packaging issue ?