Finding primes using a primes map with Haskell and Hugs98
Simon Peyton-Jones
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 06:58:41 -0800
| Another way to do this is to compute the final array directly,
| instead of computing successive versions of the array:
| import Array
| primes n = [ i | i <- [2 ..n], not (primesMap ! i)] where
| primesMap = accumArray (||) False (2,n) multList
| multList = [(m,True) | j <- [2 .. n `div` 2], m <-
| multiples j]
| multiples j = takeWhile (n>=) [k*j | k <- [2..]]
This style is definitely the way to go. Haskell does badly
if you update an array one index at a time.
Remember that arrays can be recursive. Here's a definition
of Fibonacci for example; you can probably adapt it for primes
fibs :: Int -> Array Int Int
-- If a = fibs n, then a!i is fib(i), for i<=n.
fibs n = a
a = array (1,n) ([(1,1),(2,1)] ++ [(i,a!(i-1) + a!(i-2) | i <-
-- Notice that a is recursive