Call for papers: Haskell Workshop 2001

Johan Jeuring
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 15:22:06 +0100


                              CALL FOR PAPERS

                           2001 Haskell Workshop

                               Firenze, Italy

        The Haskell Workshop forms part of the PLI 2001 colloquium
        on Principles, Logics, and Implementations of high-level
        programming languages, which comprises the ICFP/PPDP conferences
        and associated workshops. Previous Haskell Workshops have been
        held in La Jolla (1995), Amsterdam (1997), Paris (1999), and
        Montreal (2000).{html,pdf,ps,txt}



The purpose of the Haskell Workshop is to discuss experience with
Haskell, and possible future developments for the language.  The scope
of the workshop includes all aspects of the design, semantics, theory,
application, implementation, and teaching of Haskell.  Submissions that
discuss limitations of Haskell at present and/or propose new ideas for
future versions of Haskell are particularly encouraged.  Adopting an
idea from ICFP 2000, the workshop also solicits two special classes of
submissions, application letters and functional pearls, described

Application Letters

An application letter describes experience using Haskell to solve
real-world problems. Such a paper might typically be about six pages,
and may be judged by interest of the application and novel use of

Functional Pearls

A functional pearl presents - using Haskell as a vehicle - an idea that
is small, rounded, and glows with its own light. Such a paper might
typically be about six pages, and may be judged by elegance of
development and clarity of expression.

Submission details

Deadline for submission:        1st June 2001
Notification of acceptance:     1st July 2001
Final submission due:           1st August 2001
Haskell Workshop:               to be announced

Authors should submit papers of at most 12 pages, in postscript format,
formatted for A4 paper, to Ralf Hinze ( by 1st June
2001.  The use of the ENTCS style files is strongly recommended.
Application letters and functional pearls should be labeled as such on
the first page. They may be any length up to twelve pages, though
shorter submissions are welcome.  The accepted papers will be published
as a University of Utrecht technical report.

Programme committee

Manuel Chakravarty      University of New South Wales
Jeremy Gibbons          University of Oxford
Ralf Hinze (chair)      University of Utrecht
Patrik Jansson          Chalmers University
Mark Jones              Oregon Graduate Institute
Ross Paterson           City University, London
Simon Peyton Jones      Microsoft Research
Stephanie Weirich       Cornell University
