a trap for the unwary
Malcolm Wallace
Fri, 1 Dec 2000 15:44:16 +0000
> > > f x = y
> > > where
> > > y | isSpace x = True
> > > y | otherwise = False -- ** The problem line?
Correct. Here y is a pattern binding, and multiple pattern bindings of
the same variable are not permitted.
> f x = y ()
> where
> y _ | isSpace x = True
> y _ | otherwise = False -- ** Does this work?
Correct. Here y is a function binding instead, and multiple clauses
*are* permitted.
> I'd like the original program to be all right.
Me too. I wrote 'y' as a 0-arity function, knowing that because
it used a free variable bound at an outer scope, it would probably
be lambda-lifted to a greater arity by the compiler. But only one
compiler saw it in the same way as I did. :-)
Of course, if the pattern binding is more complex than a single
variable name, I still want the no-multiple-bindings rule to apply
as usual:
> f x = y ()
> where
> (y:_) | isSpace x = [True]
> (y:_) | otherwise = [False] -- ** Definitely wrong
and indeed all compilers reject this, as they should.