Quo vadis?
Simon Peyton Jones
simonpj at microsoft.com
Mon Oct 8 08:13:48 UTC 2018
| That sounds like we're stuck with the committee we have. In that case,
| Simon, could you at least pull some strings to have the actual Haskell
| Report placed in the same repository?
Sounds like a good plan. If the haskell-prime committee agreed to do this, and it's only a matter of doing it, then you just need someone with commit rights to the relevant repository. I don't know who that is (it certainly isn't me), but if you make them a PR, and ping them by email, it would be easy for them to execute.
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Mario Blažević <blamario at ciktel.net>
| Sent: 08 October 2018 02:52
| To: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>; haskell-prime at haskell.org
| Subject: Re: Quo vadis?
| On 2018-10-05 01:05 PM, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
| > I think the difficulty has always been in finding enough people who
| > are
| >
| > * Well-informed and well-qualified
| > * Willing to spend the time to standardise language features
| >
| > GHC does not help the situation: it's a de-facto standard, which
| reduces the incentives to spend time in standardisation.
| >
| > I don’t think we should blame anyone for not wanting to invest this
| time -- no shame here. It is a very significant commitment, as I know
| from editing the Haskell 98 report and the incentives are weak. Because
| of that, I am not very optimistic about finding such a group -- we have
| been abortively trying for several years.
| That sounds like we're stuck with the committee we have. In that case,
| Simon, could you at least pull some strings to have the actual Haskell
| Report placed in the same repository? This is a basic precondition if we
| expect individual efforts to accomplish anything. The minimal steps to
| actually updating the Haskell Report are:
| 1. write an RFC (we have some already),
| 2. have it provisionally accepted (not entirely clear how - would
| "no negative votes in 4 weeks" count?), 3. add the modification to
| the Haskell Report to the RFC, 4. receive the final approval, 5. merge
| the RFC into the report.
| Steps #3 and #5 depend on having the report in the same repository with
| the RFCs. This has been agreed over a year ago:
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| 636745603204766102&sdata=T5zS7b9Swyn%2FWPW8Yqt9XTOf38KSqYmMkgzglesjAR
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| 745603204766102&sdata=bSimqVnSL0Yp18LhYMJ9LsqnPWT4QmT%2BKpyRwAISbdY%3
| D&reserved=0
| > If we want to change that, the first thing is to build a case that
| greater standardisation is not just an "abstract good" that we all
| subscribe to, but something whose lack is holding us back.
| Neither an abstract good nor a good abstraction are something Haskell has
| ever shied away from. I don't know if you're actually asking for a list
| of "concrete goods"? To start with, every GHC extension that's added to a
| standard means:
| - one less item to type in the ubiquitous {-# LANGUAGE ScaryExtension #-}
| pragma,
| - one less item to understand for beginners,
| - one less item whose necessity must be justified to the team, and
| - one less item of whose future stability the management needs to be
| convinced.
| I could go on.
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