Self nomination

Nicolas Wu nicolas.wu at
Mon Oct 12 08:31:31 UTC 2015

Dear all,

I'd like to nominate myself for membership on the Haskell Prime committee.

I have used Haskell in industry, for teaching, and for research.

* I have been using Haskell since 2001.
* I am currently a university lecturer teaching Haskell to a cohort of
180 students.
* I actively use Haskell in research, where I work on applications of
category theory in recursion schemes, effect handlers, and domain
specific languages.
* I have worked with Haskell as a consultant, and am a partner in a
company that uses Haskell for web development.

I would love to be involved in the process of deciding which features
should become part of the next standard for Haskell. I believe that
Haskell should be a language that appeals to several audiences:
newcomers to computer science, to those who use the language in
industry, and also to researchers. The needs of these different groups
need not be in conflict, and I would like to see a standard that
embraces them all.

Best wishes,


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