Status of Haskell'?

Ramana Kumar ramana at
Wed Dec 12 03:42:38 CET 2012

Dear Malcolm,

What is the current status of Haskell Prime, as far as you know?
(Is there a better way to reach the Haskell Prime committee than just
emailing the chair?)
We have a few volunteers here looking to keep Haskell Prime moving forward,
and Simon suggested following the tracks of earlier pioneers and
resuming/joining where they left off.


On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 4:00 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones <simonpj at>wrote:

> Stefan, John, Ramana all say:
> | I, for one, would love to help out!
> Great stuff.  I think the first thing to do is to talk to the 2011 Haskell
> Prime committee
>, and ask
> what the status is, as far as they know.  Malcolm asked for proposals at
> the start of 2011 but I'm not sure if he actually received any, or what
> happened after that.
> There are guidelines for representation on the committee, and a process
> for forming a new committee on that page.  The process part depends a bit
> on the old committee, and I don't know what they feel now that a "gap year"
> has gone by.  But I'm sure they will appreciate your taking a lead in
> re-booting the process.
> Don't be put off by the talk of "a committee".  This isn't bureaucracy!
>  To revise a community language standard there needs to be a group that
> leads the process. It needs to be big enough to have a diversity of view,
> but small enough to make progress. And that's our committee.
> Simon
> | -----Original Message-----
> | From: haskell-prime-bounces at [mailto:haskell-prime-
> | bounces at] On Behalf Of Stefan Holdermans
> | Sent: 02 December 2012 10:24
> | To: haskell-prime at
> | Subject: Re: Status of Haskell'?
> |
> | Simon wrote:
> |
> | > I'm sure that any solution will involve (as it did in earlier stages)
> | motivated individuals who are willing to take up leadership roles in
> | developing Haskell's language definition.  I'm copying this to the main
> | Haskell list, in the hope of attracting volunteers!
> |
> |
> | Cheers,
> |
> |   Stefan
> | _______________________________________________
> | Haskell-prime mailing list
> | Haskell-prime at
> |
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