patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add ""Make $ left associative, like application"

Niklas Broberg niklas.broberg at
Wed Apr 23 17:08:38 EDT 2008

> it's not refactoring! it's just adding more features - exception
>  handler, progress indicator, memory pool and so on. actually, code
>  blocks used as a sort of RAII for Haskell. are you wanna change all
>  those ';' when you add new variable to your C++ code?
>   bracketCtrlBreak (archiveReadFooter command arcname) (archiveClose.fst) $ \(archive,footer) -> do
>     bad_crcs <- withList $ \bad_crcs -> do
>       doChunks arcsize sector_size $ \bytes -> do
>         uiWithProgressIndicator command arcsize $ do
>  or
>     handleCtrlBreak  (ignoreErrors$ fileRemove arcname_fixed) $ do
>     bracketCtrlBreak (archiveCreateRW arcname_fixed) (archiveClose) $ \new_archive -> do
>     withJIT (fileOpen =<< originalURL originalName arcname) fileClose $ \original' -> do
>  is just two examples from my code

... and neither of those examples would be broken by changing the
associativity of $. If that kind of code had been broken, I would have
complained too. So what was your point again? ;-)



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