how to create proposals and document consensus
Isaac Jones
ijones at
Mon Jan 30 13:13:36 EST 2006
I've just opened up the ticket tracking system to "guest" users so
that you can all create and edit proposals and make formal requests
via the ticket tracking system. The ticket tracking system is
attached to the wiki.
Important notes: The purpose of this is for the community at large to
be able to make requests / proposals that the committee promises to
respond to. Stuff on the mailing list can too easily taper off
without any consensus. Please use the ticket tracking system to
create proposals based on mailing list discussion. The committee may
move such proposals to the wiki itself.
-= Some Guidelines =-
Use the mailing list for _discussion_ and to reach a consensus. Use
the tickets to _document_ the consensus as a proposal. You may want
to post the wiki page you create back to the thread so that the thread
participants can review and edit it. If you get no support on the
mailing list for an idea, please think twice about whether or not to
create a ticket for it.
It is just fine to have conflicting points of view in a ticket, but no
back-and-forth discussion (use the mailing list for that). Create
"pros" and "cons" sections in the ticket. Edit the ticket rather than
adding "comments". Link this ticket with wiki pages or other tickets
which are related, or for which this is a counter-proposal.
Be sure to set the "component" field as "Proposal" and leave the Adopt
field alone.
-= Example =-
So for instance, there's a proposal that we modify the comment syntax.
After some time for discussion on the list, Thomas (cc'd) should
create a new ticket if he still believes in his suggestion. The
ticket should have component:proposal. The pros are that it's going to
be simpler for students, more consistent with the block comment
syntax, and easier to implement in editors. The cons are that we lose
a group of possible operators, --> for instance, and this in turn may
cause some code to break.
Put your email address on the tickets so we know who to ask if we have
any questions.
To create a ticket, go to the wiki and log in. The user name is guest
and the password is haskell'. If you think you'll be doing a lot of
ticket work, email me for a guest account so that your name will
automatically appear on the changes.
Email me if you have any questions.
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