[Haskell-i18n] Drafting a unicode proposal

Martin Norbäck d95mback@dtek.chalmers.se
21 Aug 2002 14:31:04 +0200

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ons 2002-08-21 klockan 14.14 skrev Alastair Reid:
> I went in and edited it at what must have been about the same time.
> My edits are still in there.  Did I overwrite yours?
> [I'd send this as private mail except that those of us who rarely use
> Wiki probably need to know how Wiki resolves such conflicts.

Would depend on the wiki. Considering how other things work poorly on
the Haskell wiki, I would not be surprised if only one of your changes
went through.

With PhpWiki as an example, if you edit simultaneously, it will be
resolved in a CVS-like manner; the person who presses "Save" last, will
not be able to save, but will get a new editing window with the changes

> And while I'm on the subject of Wiki mechanics, how does one type
> something like:
>     1) A numbered item
>     2) Another numbered item
>        Containing multiple paragraphs
>            fact n =3D prod [1..n]
>        and some displayed preformatted code.
>     3) A final numbered item.
> My best effort (see above page) resulted in the text after the
> preformatted code being included in the preformatted code _and_ the
> numbers being reset to 1 after every piece of preformatted code.

Seems like the Haskell wiki uses the PyWiki wiki. There are better wikis
out there, on a GNU/Linux system with Apache I'd recommend PhpWiki.
Don't know how easy it would be to port the existing pages though.

It seems the links on how to enter stuff on the Haskell wiki has
disappeared, here is a link to the PyWiki demo page on the subject:


Building a wiki in Haskell would be great fun, that page is
unfortunately empty along with many other pages on the wiki.


Martin Norb=E4ck          d95mback@dtek.chalmers.se             =20
Kapplandsgatan 40       +46 (0)708 26 33 60                   =20
S-414 78  G=D6TEBORG      http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/~d95mback/
SWEDEN                  OpenPGP ID: 3FA8580B

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