[Haskell-i18n] Drafting a unicode proposal
Alastair Reid
21 Aug 2002 13:14:59 +0100
> I've updated the Haskell Source page quite a bit, stealing bits
> posted by Sven MH and Simon M.
> http://www.haskell.org/wiki/wiki?UnicodeHaskellSource
> Have a look and see what you think!
I went in and edited it at what must have been about the same time.
My edits are still in there. Did I overwrite yours?
[I'd send this as private mail except that those of us who rarely use
Wiki probably need to know how Wiki resolves such conflicts.
And while I'm on the subject of Wiki mechanics, how does one type
something like:
1) A numbered item
2) Another numbered item
Containing multiple paragraphs
fact n = prod [1..n]
and some displayed preformatted code.
3) A final numbered item.
My best effort (see above page) resulted in the text after the
preformatted code being included in the preformatted code _and_ the
numbers being reset to 1 after every piece of preformatted code.
Alastair Reid alastair@reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk
Reid Consulting (UK) Limited http://www.reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk/alastair/