[Haskell-community] haskell.org download page

Paolo Giarrusso p.giarrusso at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 11:52:40 UTC 2016

On 29 August 2016 at 17:29, Nicolas Wu <nicolas.wu at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I think having multiple options is confusing to beginners, and so I'd like
> to see a single download option on the download page.
> For me it's important that we have a way for beginners to use tools like ghc
> and ghci on the command line directly in order to run small throw-away
> programs.

I'm frankly sympathetic to that argument, though one could argue
either way even on this front.

> The decision about how to manage projects and their dependencies should be
> open and isn't for beginners, whether that be using stack or cabal: both
> have their merits, and I don't want to push one over the other.

I'm honestly confused what you're arguing. You say this decision isn't
for beginners, yet you propose offering the HP. So how should a
beginner install a package without first deciding whether to use
cabal-install or stack? Or can a beginner meaningfully be expected to
learn using both alternatives?

Also, do both tools have their merits *for beginners*? We're talking
of cabal as-is, not of the ongoing work on new-build.

> The default
> installation should provide both of these as well as other tools core to
> building ghc.
> As such, I'm in favour of having the HP as the only option.

Paolo G. Giarrusso - Ph.D. Student, Tübingen University

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