[Haskell-cafe] [ANNOUNCE] GHC 9.8.1 is now available

Kazu Yamamoto (=?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCOzNLXE9CSScbKEI=?=) kazu at iij.ad.jp
Fri Oct 13 02:42:07 UTC 2023

Hi Jaro,


I also noticed that Prelude exports "unzip" which is identical to
Data.List. So, I should use it.


> Hi Kazu,
> In addition to the other answers, I’d like to note that 
> Data.List.unzip can be
> much more efficient than Data.Functor.unzip. In particular, 
> Data.List.unzip
> only does a single traversal over the list and it can be fused with 
> good
> producers. Whereas Data.Functor.unzip does two traversals and 
> cannot fuse.
> The documentation should really be changed to mention that.
> So, I’d say use Data.List.unzip when possible.
> Cheers,
> Jaro
>> On 12 Oct 2023, at 05:07, Kazu Yamamoto (山本和彦) via 
>> Haskell-Cafe <haskell-cafe at haskell.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> # The destination is only to haskell-cafe.
>> Thank you for releasing GHC 9.8.1.
>> I realized that "unzip" conflicts if Data.List and Data.Functor are
>> imported.
>> If this is intentional, please tell me which "unzip" we should use.
>> --Kazu
>>> The GHC developers are very pleased to announce the availability 
>>> of the
>>> final release of GHC 9.8.1. Binary distributions, source
>>> distributions, and documentation are available at 
>>> downloads.haskell.org:
>>>    https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/9.8.1
>>> GHC 9.8 brings a number of new features and improvements, 
>>> including:
>>> * Preliminary support the `TypeAbstractions` language extension,
>>>   allowing types to be bound in type declarations 
>>> [TypeAbstractions].
>>> * Support for the `ExtendedLiterals` extension, providing syntax 
>>> for
>>>   non-word-sized numeric literals in the surface language
>>>   [extended-literals]
>>> * Improved rewrite rule matching behavior, allowing limited 
>>> matching of
>>>   higher-order patterns
>>> * Better support for user-defined warnings by way of the `WARNING`
>>>   pragma [warnings]
>>> * The introduction of the new `GHC.TypeError.Unsatisfiable`
>>>   constraint, allowing more predictable user-defined type errors
>>>   [unsatisfiable]
>>> * Implementation of the export deprecation proposal, allowing 
>>> module
>>>   exports to be marked with `DEPRECATE` pragmas 
>>> [deprecated-exports]
>>> * The addition of build semaphore support for parallel 
>>> compilation;
>>>   with coming support in `cabal-install` this will allow better 
>>> use of
>>>   parallelism in multi-package builds [jsem]
>>> * More efficient representation of info table provenance 
>>> information,
>>>   reducing binary sizes by over 50% in some cases when
>>>   `-finfo-table-map` is in use
>>> A full accounting of changes can be found in the [release 
>>> notes][].
>>> Plans for GHC's future releases can be found on the [GHC 
>>> Wiki][status].
>>> We would like to thank GitHub, IOG, the Zw3rk stake pool,
>>> Well-Typed, Tweag I/O, Serokell, Equinix, SimSpace, the Haskell
>>> Foundation, and other anonymous contributors whose on-going 
>>> financial
>>> and in-kind support has facilitated GHC maintenance and release
>>> management over the years. Finally, this release would not have 
>>> been
>>> possible without the hundreds of open-source contributors whose 
>>> work
>>> comprise this release.
>>> Happy compiling,
>>> ~ Ben
>>> [TypeAbstractions]: 
>>> https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0425-decl-invis-binders.rst
>>> [extended-literals]: 
>>> https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0451-sized-literals.rst
>>> [unsatisfiable]: 
>>> https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0433-unsatisfiable.rst
>>> [warnings]: 
>>> https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0541-warning-pragmas-with-categories.rst
>>> [deprecated-exports]: 
>>> https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0134-deprecating-exports-proposal.rst
>>> [jsem]: 
>>> https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0540-jsem.rst
>>> [release notes]: 
>>> https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/9.8.1/docs/users_guide/9.8.1-notes.html
>>> [status]: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/GHC-status
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