[Haskell-cafe] Re. Haskell Usage

Rishiyur Nikhil nikhil at acm.org
Wed Nov 15 14:53:50 UTC 2023

>    Haskell was "more for academic purposes",

The Bluespec Hardware Design Languages BSV (Bluespec SystemVerilog)
and BH (Bluespec Haskell) digital hardware circuit design have been in
industrial production and commercial use for over 20 years now.  They
have been used inside ST Micro, Texas Instruments, IBM, Qualcomm,
Google, Galois and other companies, for ASIC and FPGA products and for
high-level hardware prototyping and architecture exploration.

The BSV and BH languages are themselves heavily inspired by Haskell.

The 'bsc' compiler for BSV and BH is written entirely in Haskell, and
has been in continuous use/development/maintenance/improvement for 20
years, and constitutes about 125K lines of Haskell.

The 'bsc' compiler was open-sourced a few years ago and continues to be
used and maintained:  https://github.com/B-Lang-org/bsc
The Haskell code for the compiler is in the src/ directory.

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