[Haskell-cafe] Takeover request: Haskell CSS Syntax

Adrian Lyall Cochrane adrian at openwork.nz
Thu Feb 16 17:49:09 UTC 2023


Those are good paths forward! I'm using Cabal for my own projects, is 
there a way to have Cabal reference a GitHub fork?


Adrian Cochrane
OpenWork Ltd

Lead developer of:
libdggs geospatial analysis
Rhapsode aphaestus web browsers

On Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 5:58 AM, Olaf Klinke <olf at aatal-apotheke.de> 
> Adrian,
> you probably know this, but:
> (1) Instead of a takeover, you could ask Tomas Carnecky to become
> merely a co-maintainer on hackage which would put you in power to sync
> the github and hackage versions.
> (2) At least with stack you can specify a github fork as dependency of
> your project. It is not nice, but I was forced to do the same when a
> repo owner ignored my pull request. For example
> # cabal file.
> # Note: xls-0.1.3 is the latest hackage version
> build-depends: xls >= 0.1.4
> # stack.yaml
> extra-deps:
> - git: https://github.com/olafklinke/xls.git
>   commit: 4e7a2ba639cc72678e4e40a06afd3c481d63f2e3
> In your case, though, is the package number on hackage as well
> as in the more up-to-date githup repo, so I don't know how the 
> resolver
> would figure out which to use. Safer would be to fork and increment 
> the
> cabal package version number, then proceed as above. You can later
> simply delete the entry in stack.yaml when your fork has been merged
> into hackage.
> Olaf
>>  Hi,
>>  I'd like to request to take over the css-syntax hackage! The lead
>>  developer of which seems to be barely active. They did accept 
>> someone
>>  else's year-old pull request to fix an issue I was having regarding
>>  upgrading to Text v2 upon being prodded, but hasn't responded to
>>  communications since regarding publishing this update to Hackage.
>>  I am developing my own (NLnet-funded) noJS browser engine in 
>> Haskell,
>>  and have released several modular components of it to Hackage in the
>>  hopes they will be useful to others for other purposes. I've
>>  benefited
>>  tremendously from Haskell CSS Syntax & would like to see the project
>>  continue, I can manage it as one of those subcomponents. I do not 
>> see
>>  much further development being required, especially considering how
>>  stable the W3C strives to keep part of the spec extremely stable.
>>  My communications to Haskell CSS Syntax:
>>  https://github.com/wereHamster/haskell-css-syntax/issues/5
>>  https://github.com/wereHamster/haskell-css-syntax/pull/4
>>  Thoughts?
>>  Adrian Cochrane
>>  OpenWork Ltd

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