[Haskell-cafe] Can't use TypeApplications with polymorphic let bind

David Feuer david.feuer at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 20:44:03 UTC 2022

My guess is that even the one-variable case is potentially fragile. The
following types are almost equivalent:

Int -> Int
a ~ Int => a -> Int

However, the second one has a type argument while the first doesn't. Which
one is inferred seems like it could potentially depend on the way the
function is defined as well as details of the type inference algorithm.

On Tue, Mar 29, 2022, 3:40 PM adam vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com> wrote:

> For the third case, the GHC manual says -XTypeApplications:
> > can be used whenever the full polymorphic type of the function is known.
> If the function is an identifier (the common case), its type is considered
> known only when the identifier has been given a type signature. If the
> identifier does not have a type signature, visible type application cannot
> be used.
> So it works if x has a type signature:
> x :: C m => () -> m
> x u = c u
> g = (x @Int (), x @Bool ())
> I think 'g' should work without the type signature on 'x'. Inferred type
> variables may switch places between ghc versions. So "h" below might change
> between (Int,Bool) and (Bool,Int). So they reject "h". But for 'g' there's
> only one ordering.
> h = (x (), x ()) @Int @Bool
> The error "Cannot apply expression of type _ to a visible type argument _
> in the expression: x ..." might be clearer if it also had "Possible fix:
> add a type signature to the declaration/binding of x"
> Regards,
> Adam
> On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 11:40 AM Oleg Grenrus <oleg.grenrus at iki.fi> wrote:
>> First example doesn't work due MonomorphismRestriction.
>> Second one works because it's all Haskell98 (to first approximation: it
>> must work).
>> Third one is interesting. At first I didn't expect it work, but given a
>> bit of thought, I wasn't tht sure anymore: I don't know why `x` isn't
>> already generalized when type-checking body of the let-in.
>> - Oleg
>> On 28.3.2022 17.14, Georgi Lyubenov wrote:
>> > Dear Cafe,
>> >
>> > I recently came upon this little "type-inference puzzle". Can anyone
>> > shine some light on why the third example doesn't compile?
>> >
>> > ```
>> > {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
>> > -- doesn't work
>> > -- I expect this, not sure why it happens
>> > {-
>> > class C m where
>> >   c :: () -> m
>> >
>> > instance C Int where
>> >   c () = 0
>> >
>> > instance C Bool where
>> >   c () = False
>> >
>> > f :: (Int, Bool)
>> > f =
>> >   let x = c
>> >    in
>> >    (x (), x ())
>> > -}
>> >
>> > -- works
>> > -- I expect this, not sure why it happens
>> > {-
>> > class C m where
>> >   c :: () -> m
>> >
>> > instance C Int where
>> >   c () = 0
>> >
>> > instance C Bool where
>> >   c () = False
>> >
>> > f :: (Int, Bool)
>> > f =
>> >   let x u = c u
>> >    in
>> >    (x (), x ())
>> > -}
>> >
>> > -- doesn't work
>> > -- I don't expect this, not sure why it happens
>> > {-
>> > class C m where
>> >   c :: () -> m
>> >
>> > instance C Int where
>> >   c () = 0
>> >
>> > instance C Bool where
>> >   c () = False
>> >
>> > f :: (Int, Bool)
>> > f =
>> >   let x u = c u
>> >    in
>> >    (x @Int (), x @Bool ())
>> > -- wtf.hs:54:5: error:
>> > --     • Cannot apply expression of type ‘() -> m0’
>> > --       to a visible type argument ‘Int’
>> > --     • In the expression: x @Int ()
>> > --       In the expression: (x @Int (), x @Bool ())
>> > --       In the expression: let x u = c u in (x @Int (), x @Bool ())
>> > --    |
>> > -- 54 |    (x @Int (), x @Bool ())
>> > --    |     ^^^^^^^^^
>> > -}
>> > ```
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Georgi
>> >
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