[Haskell-cafe] Package Takeover: `toml`

Emily Pillmore emilypi at cohomolo.gy
Fri Mar 12 17:13:02 UTC 2021


> This does sound very disappointing to me and I don't fully understand the
> needs.

> I feel very confused about this situation. And again I feel like people
> the Haskell committees members are not willing to recognise other's people
> work and would rather rewrite everything from scratch instead of
> collaborating with existing projects created by people outside of
> committees.

You're right. You *don't* fully understand my needs! You have not asked, and  just assumed that what I want is exactly what you provide in `tomland`! I am looking at `toml` for a personal side project, not for official business, and I disagree with the existing choices, so I'd like to develop my own and saw a chance to make use of a namespace that was neglected for years on Hackage. This has nothing to do with any technical agenda or anything in my official capacity.

In my comments, I said the phrase "develop it into *a* standard" ("standard" as in "good", or of high quality make), not " *the* standard" as in the preferred choice. Multiple standards can exist. I have not said this is official, and I have not said this will be blessed. I have not even mentioned HF or its agendas, or my role in either.  This does not preempt you or your libraries, nor does it make a statement about the quality of your work.

> * Why not open issues to tomland (or other libraries) and discuss the
> features you want? We maintain tomland for multiple years. The latest
> release was Feb 12 2021 (a month ago!). We constantly improve the
> implementation, fix parsing issues, improve interface and error-handling.
> Attempting to rewrite all this from scratch instead of collaborating with
> existing maintainers feels very unfriendly.
> * If you want to have the official TOML parsing library under the `toml`
> namespace on Hackage, again, why not ask the maintainers if they consider
> moving the library? And only after this discussion act accordingly.
> * If you are concerned about the lack of people working on the `tomland`
> library (which I don't fully understand, because in Kowainik we always
> have at least two people maintaining packages), then why not ask to add as
> a maintainer, instead of rewriting another library? Or even ask to move to
> the official `haskell` organization on GitHub, if you want to have more
> people maintaining the official package.

* Because i have a feature set in mind that seems more appropriate for a new library.

* The maintainer (Spiros) has been inactive for 7 years. There is no maintainer listed or source repo available. We messaged Spiros last year, and received no response. I went through the proper channels to check that this was the right thing to do. However, I did not expect Tom Murphy to have been added to the maintainers list, which was a new development, and we'll work with each other to figure out a solution.

* This is putting words in my mouth. I have no concerns about the lack of people working on `tomland`.

> I mean, how am I supposed to feel motivated working on Haskell open-source
> projects, if my work can be just discarded at any time, the official
> library will be appointed without even communicating this desire? If I
> weren't subscribed to this thread, I probably wouldn't even know that
> something is going behind backs. We've put a lot of effort into tomland.
> We literally spent years of maintenance, UX improvements, bug fixes,
> writing tutorials and blog posts about the library and its implementation.
> And it is still not enough just to be respected and even give the chance
> to reply to the users needs?

This is not an official project, so these points are moot. Instead of jumping to these conclusions, you could have asked me to clarify any points of contention you may have seen. I'm curious as to why you took this tack, and feel disrespected when `tomland` is the go-to TOML library in Haskell, and as you say, has been recognized outside of the community by the TOML org itself. We can take this offline though.I suspect you are bringing a ton of baggage into the conversation that was not a result of this thread.

- E

On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 8:10 AM, Dmitrii Kovanikov < kovanikov at gmail.com > wrote:

> The TOML format is optimized for human-readability, not space efficiency.
> And it has some data redundancy, which makes it great for the application
> configuration use-case but not so great as a serialization format. If you
> are using TOML to serialise data or you need to parse 3-10 GB of
> application configuration, there's a chance that something can be improved
> without streaming TOML parsing.
> So streaming TOML parser looks like a very specific use-case that doesn't
> justify taking someone's package and making it the official TOML parser.
> Best regards,
> Dmitrii
> On Fri, 12 Mar 2021 at 12:40, Carter Schonwald < carter. schonwald@ gmail.
> com ( carter.schonwald at gmail.com ) > wrote:
>> Hey Dmitrii,
>> I believe emily has in mind fully incremental streaming support. Which
>> requires a wildly different internal architecture than all the stuff in
>> the aeson inspired design family
>> https:/ / github. com/ cartazio/ streaming-machine-json (
>> https://github.com/cartazio/streaming-machine-json )
>> Is an example of a constant space json parser with fully incremental
>> consumption and emissions.
>> An predecessor  was used in a work prject 5 years ago and it could handle
>> multi gig json monsters like a champ.  I never released it to hackage
>> because I want to have a better / more reusable design.  Parsing the same
>> 3-10gb json with aeson was impossible on a machine that had hundreds of
>> gigs of ram. :)
>> I believe emily has in mind similar levels of robustness
>> On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 7:08 AM Dmitrii Kovanikov < kovanikov@ gmail. com (
>> kovanikov at gmail.com ) > wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I feel extremely sad about this discussion for multiple reasons. But
>>> regarding the technical agenda:
>>> > I'm going to look at `toml-parser` in the meantime, but no toml library
>>> does what I have in mind (namely a full fledged implementation of the
>>> spec, streaming, deriving etc.), nor do many of them provide bidirectional
>>> serialization save `tomland`.
>>> This does sound very disappointing to me and I don't fully understand the
>>> needs. Because:
>>> * tomland is the official TOML parsing library in Haskell according to the
>>> TOML spec wiki ( https://github.com/toml-lang/toml/wiki )
>>> * tomland fully supports the spec version 0.5.0, and the latest spec 1.0.0
>>> was published relatively recently. And to my knowledge, it is the only
>>> Haskell library that supports the latest spec.
>>> * tomland is the most popular TOML parsing library according to reverse
>>> dependencies ( https://packdeps.haskellers.com/reverse ) on Hackage
>>> * tomland is based on explicit values, but nevertheless it provides
>>> deriving via Generics
>>> I feel very confused about this situation. And again I feel like people
>>> the Haskell committees members are not willing to recognise other's people
>>> work and would rather rewrite everything from scratch instead of
>>> collaborating with existing projects created by people outside of
>>> committees. Even outside the Haskell community (the TOML org), tomland was
>>> acknowledged as the official TOML library, but not in the Haskell
>>> community itself.
>>> At least, the following steps could be taken first:
>>> * Why not open issues to tomland (or other libraries) and discuss the
>>> features you want? We maintain tomland for multiple years. The latest
>>> release was Feb 12 2021 (a month ago!). We constantly improve the
>>> implementation, fix parsing issues, improve interface and error-handling.
>>> Attempting to rewrite all this from scratch instead of collaborating with
>>> existing maintainers feels very unfriendly.
>>> * If you want to have the official TOML parsing library under the `toml`
>>> namespace on Hackage, again, why not ask the maintainers if they consider
>>> moving the library? And only after this discussion act accordingly.
>>> * If you are concerned about the lack of people working on the `tomland`
>>> library (which I don't fully understand, because in Kowainik we always
>>> have at least two people maintaining packages), then why not ask to add as
>>> a maintainer, instead of rewriting another library? Or even ask to move to
>>> the official `haskell` organization on GitHub, if you want to have more
>>> people maintaining the official package.
>>> I mean, how am I supposed to feel motivated working on Haskell open-source
>>> projects, if my work can be just discarded at any time, the official
>>> library will be appointed without even communicating this desire? If I
>>> weren't subscribed to this thread, I probably wouldn't even know that
>>> something is going behind backs. We've put a lot of effort into tomland.
>>> We literally spent years of maintenance, UX improvements, bug fixes,
>>> writing tutorials and blog posts about the library and its implementation.
>>> And it is still not enough just to be respected and even give the chance
>>> to reply to the users needs?
>>> That sounds very concerning to me. I don' feel like Haskell tech can move
>>> forward if people's (specifically if they are not associated with any
>>> Haskell leaders) work is disrespected.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Dmitrii
>>> On Fri, 12 Mar 2021 at 07:02, amindfv--- via Haskell-Cafe < haskell-cafe@ haskell.
>>> org ( haskell-cafe at haskell.org ) > wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 06:28:44AM +0000, Emily Pillmore wrote:
>>>> > Tom,
>>>> >
>>>> > Look, I don't want to debate syntax and semantics here, but "burning
>>>> need/desire/ambition" etc ( https:/ / idioms. thefreedictionary. com/ burning+desire
>>>> ( https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/burning+desire ) ) is an extremely
>>>> common colloquialism that doesn't imply an emergency, just a strongly felt
>>>> urge.  I can't apologize for my wording, but I'm sorry for the situation
>>>> nonetheless.
>>>> I also don't want to debate semantics but I can tell you "I have a burning
>>>> need" on a Hackage takeover has a different connotation of urgency than "I
>>>> have a burning desire to write a toml parsing library and to have it be
>>>> named 'toml'". I still feel duped and now condescended to as well. I do
>>>> nonetheless appreciate your apology for the situation.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > It's now seeming more just like a desire for the package name.
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> >
>>>> > I'm going to look at `toml-parser` in the meantime, but no toml library
>>>> does what I have in mind (namely a full fledged implementation of the
>>>> spec, streaming, deriving etc.), nor do many of them provide bidirectional
>>>> serialization save `tomland`. To reiterate Carter's point, hackage names
>>>> are a community resource, and they deserve to be thought through
>>>> carefully, so yes, the package name is part of the request. I do alot of
>>>> community service to make sure things that take up precious Hackage
>>>> real-estate are treated well, which is why `toml` posed an opportunity.
>>>> I'm actually open to the idea of using a simple name like "toml" for a
>>>> best-in-class Haskell library, but I'd want to see proof that it is
>>>> clearly the best in terms of implementation and adoption. I of course
>>>> think my plans for toml parsing are the most wonderful, but if a consensus
>>>> favorite package emerges and it's not mine I will step aside.
>>>> >
>>>> > To that point, anything you put out is something I am interested in
>>>> investing time and effort into making a standard. Do you have any code
>>>> currently, or is this a TODO on your list? Going through your hackage
>>>> libraries, I see no source repository listings, issue trackers, or even an
>>>> email to reach you by.
>>>> I do have code, yes. As mentioned earlier I'm in the middle of a rewrite.
>>>> If there's more to discuss maybe we should move this conversation off-list
>>>> as it's no longer about a package takeover?
>>>> Tom
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