[Haskell-cafe] Deprecation being transitively reported for re-exported definitions

Ivan Perez ivanperezdominguez at gmail.com
Sun Aug 15 09:59:31 UTC 2021

On Sat, 14 Aug 2021 at 23:00, Oleg Grenrus <oleg.grenrus at iki.fi> wrote:

> I think the confusion stems from what the deprecation of the module means,
> i.e.
>     module A {-# DEPRECATED "This module will be hidden in future
> versions". #-} ( ... ) where
> I think it does two things:
> 1. deprecates the module A, so if it's  imported anywhere, the deprecation
> warning will be reported
> 2. deprecates all symbols defined in the module, so the use-sites are
> reported as well. (This is like deprecating an individual binding, {-#
> DEPRECATED symbolInA "..." #-}.

This was also my understanding AFTER I saw the unexpected warning.

So, you can say that *a definition within a module is deprecated*, and that *a
module AND ALL definitions in it are deprecated. *However*, *you cannot
express that* the module (name) itself is deprecated without deprecating
what's in it*. It's just a level of expressiveness we do not have.

If module deprecation did not lead to what you labeled (2), you could still
deprecate everything in it to warn users of deprecated functions that are
being re-exported through a different path. So you could obtain the same
effect as now, by just annotating specific definitions.

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