[Haskell-cafe] Reading Haddock sources on hackage no longer possible with simple browsers?

M Douglas McIlroy m.douglas.mcilroy at dartmouth.edu
Sun Nov 15 15:19:51 UTC 2020

> I am pretty sure nobody writes code like this

> I confirmed your example, reading with lynx and w3m.

> wouldn’t just directly opening the sources (in a text editor) be simpler? Is there a (simple) way to preserve the experience when browsing using Lynx without also holding back features aimed at a regular browsing experience?

I second that.  I have always been annoyed by the ransom-note
appearance of colorized  listings. But that's just my taste. I
suspect, though, that lots of people have been frustrated when they
discover they can't  use the code they see because it's festooned with
markup. Golang.org offers similar listings, but also provides a button
for selecting the underlying plain text. I would like hackage a lot
better if it did so, too.


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