[Haskell-cafe] error: ghcide must be compiled with same GHC version as the project

Dennis Raddle dennis.raddle at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 21:08:55 UTC 2020

I'm trying to use the Haskell extension with VS Code which, is my
understanding, uses ghcide.

When I built ghcide, I had the resolver in the stack.yaml set to
Associated with this is GHC 8.10.2.

When I first created my project I had the resolver set to something like
lts-14.20. Associated with this is GHC something like 8.6.5.

Later I changed my project resolver to nightly-2020-09-02, same as ghcide.
But I'm still getting this error.

Perhaps I haven't properly rebuilt my project using the new resolver?

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