[Haskell-cafe] Do something about Cabal?

Joachim Durchholz jo at durchholz.org
Fri Dec 11 05:30:21 UTC 2020

Am 10.12.20 um 23:53 schrieb Viktor Dukhovni:
> It all probability reuniting development efforts that have parted ways
> is not possible.  All that can happen is that some, but ideally not all
> will wither away.  Nobody has succeeded in reuniting NetBSD, OpenBSD and
> FreeBSD.  Not to mention the many Linux distributions, screen vs. tmux,
> GCC vs. LLVM, KDE vs. Gnome, ...

Ah, that's a bit of survivor bias. Forked libraries and tools re-join 
all the time.
It's not the standard outcome, of course, but I read reports of such 
rejoins often enough that I'd consider the phrase "all that can happen" 
to be too strong to applicable.


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