[Haskell-cafe] When did it become so hard to install Haskell onWindows?

Ben Franksen ben.franksen at online.de
Mon Apr 27 10:55:57 UTC 2020

Am 27.04.20 um 12:36 schrieb Joachim Durchholz:
> It's a bit like with a car mechanic. If the workplace is grubby, people
> start questioning the attention to detail, and overall competence; they
> may still send cars for repair, but they will be more intent on finding
> issues, sometimes asking about things that don't matter (but they don't
> know this), sometimes being overly suspicious (but they don't really
> know how much suspicion is appropriate). If the workplace is clean, the
> standard assumption is that in this shop, there's attention to detail
> and they don't have to check every detail on their own.

Funny, for me it's exactly the other way around: when I see a repair
shop which is dirty and with tools and parts strewn around I think: They
are doing acual work here. When I see a clean and orderly shop I tend to
think: They care about appearances, rather than getting the work done.

This very much differs from how I view the /result/ of the work: here I
regard everything that has not been done in a clean and orderly fashion
as deficient. (And that goes for software, too, especially if it is mature.)


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