[Haskell-cafe] When did it become so hard to install Haskell onWindows?

Ben Gamari ben at smart-cactus.org
Sun Apr 26 04:51:47 UTC 2020

Anthony Clayden <anthony_clayden at clear.net.nz> writes:


> Chocolatey is an abhorence. Fortunately I've never had to use it;
> I don't know why GHC would inflict it on anybody.
Note that Chocolatey is just option for installing GHC. Our Chocolatey
packaging is generously maintained by Tamar as a convenient way to bring
up GHC on Windows. However, we certainly wouldn't rely on it

Users who don't want to use Chocolatey are encouraged to use the usual
binary distributions [1], as in the past.

I'd urge everyone to keep in mind that our Windows support exists almost
entirely due to the efforts of Tamar; we all owe Tamar a debt of
gratitude for all of the work he has done over the past years. We could
certainly use more people who are able and willing to contribute
resources to help improve GHC's Windows story.

> Increasingly, GHC HQ is a cult/elite that doesn't want any new members.

To the contrary, we both want and need new contributors! I would ask
anyone who feels that GHC development is exclusionary to please be in
touch; I am very interested to know how we can improve.


- Ben

[1] https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/8.10.1/
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