[Haskell-cafe] ANN: LeanCheck v0.9.0 -- enumerative property testing

Johannes Waldmann johannes.waldmann at htwk-leipzig.de
Thu Jan 17 17:28:32 UTC 2019

Yes, leancheck is awesome.

> When should I reach to enumerative testing?

I think enumerative testing
is best suited to algebraic data types.


In the past I had one standard example
where random enumeration seems better than enumerative:
(non)associativity of floating point ops
(I like to use this in teaching)

That's immediate in Quickcheck

quickCheck $ \ x y z -> (x::Double) + (y+z) == (x+y)+z
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 3 tests and 3 shrinks):

You don't get to see a counterexample in Smallcheck

Prelude Test.SmallCheck> smallCheck 5 $ \ x y z -> (x::Double) + (y+z)
== (x+y)+z
Completed 50653 tests without failure.

To my surprise, we now have

Prelude Test.LeanCheck> check $ \ x y z -> (x::Double) + (y+z) == (x+y)+z
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 87 tests):
0.0 Infinity (-Infinity)

and I get the above (with "real" numbers) via

Prelude Test.LeanCheck> checkFor 1000 $ \ x y z -> isInfinite x ||
isInfinite y || isInfinite z || (x::Double) + (y+z) == (x+y)+z
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 306 tests):
1.0 1.0 0.3333333333333333

Turns out the enumeration in Leancheck uses Rationals,
while Smallcheck uses  encodeFloat, which happens to
produce only "nice" numbers (very few bits set) in the beginning.

Prelude Test.LeanCheck> list 3 series :: [Double]

Prelude Test.LeanCheck> take 12 $ list :: [Double]

- J.W.

PS: this post wouldn't be complete without me complaining
that I cannot (easily) put the type annotation
where it belongs -  in the declaration of the name:

Prelude Test.LeanCheck> check $ \ (x::Double) y z -> x + (y+z) == (x+y)+z

<interactive>:22:12: error:
    Illegal type signature: ‘Double’
      Type signatures are only allowed in patterns with ScopedTypeVariables

Wat? TypeVariables? There aren't any!

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