[Haskell-cafe] stack test hangs when using 1.7.1 but completes with 1.4.0
Michael Snoyman
michael at snoyman.com
Sun Jul 29 05:17:46 UTC 2018
I'd recommend trying to manually run the generated test executable inside
the .stack-work directory and see if it also hangs.
The warning about the index is not a big, and there's no issue with that
format changing
On Fri, Jul 27, 2018, 4:50 PM Olaf Klinke <olf at aatal-apotheke.de> wrote:
> Dear cafe,
> I recently upgraded (with some trouble) to stack-1.7.1 from 1.4.0. I have
> an older project using lts-9.2 that builds just fine when using the new
> stack, but it hangs on `stack test`. The difference is shown below. I
> suspect it is something that needs to be upgraded alongside stack. Maybe
> Cabal? Upgrading stack was troublesome because of different index formats,
> which is why using the other stack causes the rebuilds of my extra-deps, I
> suppose. When using stack --verbosity debug I see messages of the form
> Error while decoding $HOME/.stack/indices/Hackage/01-index.cache
> ...
> (this might not be an error, when switching between stack versions)
> Any help welcome.
> Olaf
> $> /usr/bin/stack-1.7.1 test
> Populated index cache.
> $MYPACKAGE: unregistering (missing dependencies: glpk-hs)
> gasp- unregistering (old configure information not found)
> glpk-hs-0.5: unregistering (missing dependencies: gasp)
> gasp- configure
> gasp- build
> gasp- copy/register
> glpk-hs-0.5: configure
> glpk-hs-0.5: build
> glpk-hs-0.5: copy/register
> $MYPACKAGE: configure (lib + exe + test)
> Configuring $MYPACKAGE...
> $MYPACKAGE: build (lib + exe + test)
> Preprocessing library $MYPACKAGE...
> <<< some more output ... >>>
> Registering $MYPACKAGE...
> $MYPACKAGE: test (suite: $PACKAGENAME-test)
> <<< with --verbosity debug >>>
> [debug] Run process within $PACKAGEDIR/:
> $PACKAGEDIR/.stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux/Cabal-$PACKAGENAME-testStub/$PACKAGENAME-testStub
> @(src/Stack/Build/Execute.hs:1711:27)
> Progress 1/2: $MYPACKAGE
> <<< Hangs from here on, does not consume CPU cycles >>>
> $> /usr/bin/stack-1.4.0 test
> Populated index cache.
> $MYPACKAGE: unregistering (missing dependencies: glpk-hs)
> gasp- unregistering (old configure information not found)
> glpk-hs-0.5: unregistering (missing dependencies: gasp)
> gasp- configure
> gasp- build
> gasp- copy/register
> glpk-hs-0.5: configure
> glpk-hs-0.5: build
> glpk-hs-0.5: copy/register
> $MYPACKAGE: configure (lib + exe + test)
> Configuring $MYPACKAGE...
> $MYPACKAGE: build (lib + exe + test)
> Preprocessing library $MYPACKAGE...
> <<< some more output >>>
> Progress: 3/4+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
> <<< some more output >>>
> Completed 4 action(s).
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