[Haskell-cafe] benchmarking a function that returns an unlifted type
Oleg Grenrus
oleg.grenrus at iki.fi
Sat Mar 18 17:41:35 UTC 2017
Won't boxing at the end work, that should have only single
unboxing/boxing action:
unlifted = whnf (\Int# n -> Int# (fastSumPrimes# n)) 100000
- Oleg
On 18.03.2017 19:32, Richard Eisenberg wrote:
> Apologies for a newbie question, but I am seeking advice on how to benchmark a pure function that returns an unlifted type. I've heard tell that `criterion` is good for benchmarking, and so I'm using that library (but have no particular allegiance to it, if something else is better).
> Specifically, I'm comparing a function over unlifted types with the same function written over lifted types, trying to observe how much we pay for the boxing/unboxing. To benchmark the lifted version, I just use criterion's whnf function. That seems to be working splendidly. Of course, whnf doesn't work over unlifted types, so I found its source code and inlined it. This compiles. But it doesn't work! No matter what I do, the unlifted version measures in the nanoseconds. I'm guessing that GHC "cleverly" is avoiding recomputation. How can I stop this?
> Here is my code:
>> main :: IO ()
>> main = do
>> initializeTime
>> let lifted = whnf fastSumPrimes 100000
>> unlifted = Benchmarkable go
>> where
>> go n
>> | n <= 0 = return ()
>> | otherwise = let x = fastSumPrimes# 100000# in go (n-1)
>> benchmark lifted
>> benchmark unlifted
> I've tried increasing the argument in the unlifted case, to no avail. I've also tried using `case` instead of `let`. -ddump-simpl suggests that fastSumPrimes# is really being called, but I'm dubious.
> Can anyone offer advice?
> Thanks!
> Richard
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