[Haskell-cafe] To [] Or Not To []

Robin Palotai palotai.robin at gmail.com
Thu Mar 9 15:24:50 UTC 2017

> Have fun reading, and avoiding lists from here on!

Except maybe the haskell-cafe list.

2017-03-09 16:07 GMT+01:00 Johannes Waldmann <
johannes.waldmann at htwk-leipzig.de>:

> Dear Cafe,
> I wrote a text (well, you might call it a rant)
> on the tragic over-use of lists in Haskell,
> based on my experience in programming and teaching.
> http://www.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/~waldmann/etc/untutorial/list-or-not-list/
> * If your program accesses a list by index (with the !! operator),
>   then your program is wrong.
> * If your program uses the length function, then your program is wrong.
> * If your program sorts a list, then your program is wrong.
> * If you wrote this sort function yourself, then it is doubly wrong.
> * The ideal use of a list is such that will be removed by the compiler.
> * The enlightened programmer writes list-free code with Foldable.
> Have fun reading, and avoiding lists from here on!
> - J.W.
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