[Haskell-cafe] ANN: katip - a new structured logging framework for Haskell
Wojciech Danilo
wojciech.danilo at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 18:44:40 UTC 2016
Hello! It's always good to know new ways to log things in Haskell because
the old-fasioned logger is just pain in the code. Anyway I was writing an
modern extensible logger some time ago and a lot of people are currently
using it. Would you be so nice and take a look here (
https://github.com/wdanilo/haskell-logger ) and tell if Katip has all the
features of Haskell-Logger or if there atre other features not covered by
it? I would love to see even a very small comparison :)
All the best,
pon., 14.03.2016 o 19:20 użytkownik Ozgun Ataman <ozgun.ataman at soostone.com>
> Fellow Haskellers,
> We're delighted to release a new logging framework today called "katip",
> centered around the idea of making it easy to include contextual data in
> individual log items in the form of structured fields. Katip has become,
> rather quickly, our go-to logging library at Soostone, included in
> everything from simple ad-hoc scripts to production systems under load.
> You can find katip on both Hackage[1] and Github[2]. The core library has
> also been added to Stackage nightly, though the ElasticSearch backend is
> waiting on a dependency conflict on aeson. We hope you find it useful and
> look forward to any contributions or feedback!
> [1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/katip
> [2] https://github.com/Soostone/katip
> As a little summary, here's the features checklist from the README:
> * *Structured:* Logs are structured, meaning they can be individually
> tagged with key value data (JSON Objects). This helps you add
> critical details to log messages before you need them so that when
> you do, they are available. Katip exposes a typeclass for log
> payloads so that you can use rich, domain-specific Haskell types to
> add context that will be automatically merged in with existing log
> context.
> * *Easy to Integration:* Katip was designed to be easily integrated
> into existing monads. By using typeclasses for logging facilities,
> individual subsystems and even libraries can easily add their own
> namespacing and context without having any knowledge of their
> logging environment.
> * *Practical Use:* Katip comes with a set of convenience facilities
> built-in, so it can be used without much headache even in small
> projects.
> * A `Handle` backend for logging to files in simple settings.
> * A `AnyLogPayload` key-value type that makes it easy to log
> structured columns on the fly without having to define new data
> types.
> * A `Monadic` interface where logging namespace can be obtained
> from the monad context.
> * Multiple variants of the fundamental logging functions for
> optionally including fields and line-number information.
> * *Extensible:* Can be easily extended (even at runtime) to output to
> multiple backends at once (known as scribes). See
> `katip-elasticsearch` as an example. Backends for other forms of
> storage are trivial to write, including both hosted database systems
> and SaaS logging providers.
> * *Debug-Friendly:* Critical details for monitoring production systems
> such as host, PID, thread id, module and line location are
> automatically captured. User-specified attributes such as
> environment (e.g. Production, Test, Dev) and system name are also
> captured.
> * *Configurable:* Can be adjusted on a per-scribe basis both with
> verbosity and severity.
> * *Verbosity* dictates how much of the log structure should
> actually get logged. In code you can capture highly detailed
> metadata and decide how much of that gets emitted to each backend.
> * *Severity* AKA "log level" is specified with each message and
> individual scribes can decide whether or not to record that
> severity. It is even possible to at runtime swap out and replace
> loggers, allowing for swapping in verbose debug logging at runtime
> if you want.
> * *Battle-Tested:* Katip has been integrated into several production
> systems since 2015 and has logged hundreds of millions of messages
> to files and ElasticSearch.
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