[Haskell-cafe] lazily updating dependencies, git submodules and cabal

timmy tofu star.tim.star at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 12:50:12 UTC 2015

> Using the 'cabal sandbox add-source' solution now requires that I
> "add-source" the MarketModel package too. Otherwise, any change I make
> to this package will not be tracked.


> Cabal sets the paths for "import"ed
> modules in the "hs-source-dirs:" and that is global to the whole
> package.

 I can't tell if you do or do not want ProfitCalculator and Persistence to
track changes made in MarketModel.

If you do, and both should be in lock-step with it (unlike your situation
with Tax), then you don't have a problem.

If not, then the problem is Trader would depend on ProfitCalculator which
might depend on a different version of MarketModel than Persistence (upon
which Trader also depends). That is a classic dependency problem and not a
function of submodules or add-sourcing, per se. The Trader module seems to
be at the top of this heap - why would you want the Trader to (indirectly)
use one version of MarketModel through ProfitCalculator, and another
through Persistence?
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