[Haskell-cafe] Cabal and cabal-install minor release (

Miëtek Bak mietek at bak.io
Mon Mar 23 01:42:38 UTC 2015

I’d like to add Windows support, eventually (https://github.com/mietek/halcyon/issues/42).

My main focus right now is enabling the distribution of Haskell applications in binary form, without requiring the cooperation of application authors.  To be specific, I’d like the user to be able to say `halcyon install idris`, and get the latest version of Idris installed on their system in 5-10 seconds.

Preposterous?  This is how Halcyon already works:

Of course, this requires the application to be built ahead of time, which in turn requires version constraints to be declared for the application.

Now, application authors don’t seem eager to declare version constraints.  However, declaring a particular version of Stackage LTS is equivalent to declaring a full set of version constraints (https://github.com/mietek/halcyon/issues/41, https://github.com/mietek/halcyon/issues/40).

It seems to me that adopting Stackage LTS should reduce the binary distribution problem to automating the process of performing regular builds across many platforms.

Looking forward to your comments.


On 2015-03-23, at 00:35, Mikhail Glushenkov <the.dead.shall.rise at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 22 March 2015 at 00:49, Miëtek Bak <mietek at bak.io> wrote:
>> Thanks, Ryan.
>> Binaries of cabal-install are now available in Halcyon on the following platforms:
>> [...]
> That's quite impressive! Have you considered adding Windows support?
> Our release process could use some automation in this area.

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