[Haskell-cafe] shakespeare >= 2.0.2 fails to install in OS X 10.6.8, Haskell-platform 2014.2.0.0; cabal-install

David Turner dct25-561bs at mythic-beasts.com
Fri Jun 19 07:52:11 UTC 2015


I think Stackage will solve these issues - indeed, I believe that
Stackage grew out of the difficulty of installing Yesod and its
dependencies straight from Hackage using cabal.

If you download https://www.stackage.org/lts/cabal.config next to your
own .cabal file then it will constrain cabal to only use a set of
packages which are known to be mutually compatible.

Hope that helps,


On 19 June 2015 at 08:37, Geraldus <heraldhoi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Miguel. Haskell Platform includes GHC itself and some set of packages,
> such as text, network, and etc. If I recall correctly thete was issues with
> Yesod and HP because some package versions and the best way to install Yesod
> were sandboxes, because sandbox have its own package database.
> Removing or just moving .ghc folder helped me in past several times, usually
> it was needed when different projects depends on different package versions,
> now I put every project inside sandbox to prevent this.
> As for pandoc, if you use only binary you can install it having no GHC at
> all (download package installer from website).
> If I were you I'll install GHC 7.8.* alone rather than Platform,
> caball-install 1.22.* and try to build everything againg using sandboxes.
> Also there is a Stackage and its tools (stackage-cli and recently released
> stack), they are very helpful in caball-hell issues. Also there is Halcyon
> but I have not tried it myself. Apologize for missing links, I'm mobile now.
> 3:23 до полудня, пт, 19.06.2015, Miguel A. Santos
> <miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com>:
>> One more detail about my try with rm ~/.ghc:
>> I find it curious that I didn't get that directory rebuild again when
>> trying to install yesod.
>> Did I miss something?
>> --
>> Public key ID: E8FE60D7
>> Public key server: see, e.g., hkp://keys.gnupg.net
>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 6:18 PM, Miguel A. Santos
>> <miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Ok, removing ~/.ghc (actually just moving it to ~/.ghc-org) didn't work
>>> either. The detailed output  is below
>>> but from a cursory view it seems not much better than within the sandbox
>>> try before.
>>> I understand I'm staying in the "past" and with that comes problems like
>>> this one, but upgrading to Yellowstone
>>> is not an option for me.
>>> I have some questions about your other options. In particular, I'm not
>>> sure what you mean by (capitals) GHC.
>>> I thought that's just the compiler. I don't understand your first
>>> sentence after "vanilla". What is what I got
>>> with HP if not GHC for MacOSX!?
>>> About point 2., I'm building (already for hours, that's the 'other'
>>> process I'd running) ghc from the tarball ghc-7.8.4-src.tar.bz2 available at
>>> the bottom of that same link we mentioned before, namely,
>>> https://www.haskell.org/ghc/download_ghc_7_8_4#binaries Is this the same as
>>> what you mean by this 2nd option? Mind you I'm already using version 7.8.3.
>>> How will a new version of the compiler change what looks like a
>>> compatibility problem with a package? or you mean it is not that simple?
>>> Option 3: It seems to me I may as well just remove everything, install HP
>>> again (already downloaded) and after
>>> that step finishes, trying installing right away yesod, before I try with
>>> any other packages. Seems a path based
>>> mostly on blind hope than logic to me :-p as the only big thing I
>>> installed between my fresh install of HP and my initial try of yesod was
>>> pandoc, which had some large dependencies to deal with. But it's a simple
>>> one, so I may check it definitely out
>>> of the equation.
>>> Option 4: I guess this is something I can try right away without much
>>> effort. To be concrete you mean then
>>> cabal install --allow-newer yesod ?
>>> Btw, thanks so much for your prompt help!
>>> --------------------------------------------
>>> msantos at MBP-2[17:09]:~/System/YESOD$mv ~/.ghc/ ~/.ghc-org
>>> msantos at MBP-2[17:30]:~$cabal install yesod==
>>> Warning: The package list for 'hackage.haskell.org' is 15.0 days old.
>>> Run 'cabal update' to get the latest list of available packages.
>>> Resolving dependencies...
>>> cabal: Could not resolve dependencies:
>>> next goal: yesod (user goal)
>>> rejecting: yesod-,,,,, 1.4.1,
>>> 1.4.0
>>> (global constraint requires ==
>>> trying: yesod-
>>> trying: streaming-commons- (dependency of yesod-
>>> trying: network- (dependency of
>>> streaming-commons-
>>> trying: parsec-3.1.5/installed-04a... (dependency of
>>> network-
>>> trying: mtl- (dependency of
>>> parsec-3.1.5/installed-04a...)
>>> trying: shakespeare-2.0.5 (dependency of yesod-
>>> trying: exceptions- (dependency of shakespeare-2.0.5)
>>> trying: transformers-compat- (dependency of exceptions-
>>> trying: transformers-compat-
>>> rejecting: transformers-compat- (conflict: mtl =>
>>> transformers==, transformers-compat-
>>> =>
>>> transformers>=0.4.1 && <0.5)
>>> rejecting: transformers-compat- (manual flag can only be
>>> changed
>>> explicitly)
>>> Backjump limit reached (change with --max-backjumps).
>>> --
>>> Public key ID: E8FE60D7
>>> Public key server: see, e.g., hkp://keys.gnupg.net
>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 5:15 PM, Christopher Allen <cma at bitemyapp.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> You don't need to rm -rf ~/.ghc if you're using a sandbox. The sandbox
>>>> (usually) occludes the user package-db.
>>>> Well, the sandbox may not have fixed the incompatibility of HP and that
>>>> particular version of Yesod, but we're better information from the
>>>> dependency solver.
>>>> That said, this is going to simply require a lot of trial and error if
>>>> you want to try this approach and me telling you increment/decrement
>>>> versions isn't going to be any faster.
>>>> I'd say your best options are:
>>>> 1. Upgrade your installation of Mac OS X so you can use the vanilla GHC
>>>> bindist, or even better, GHC for Mac OS X
>>>> 2. Use your copy of Haskell Platform to build GHC from source and use
>>>> that instead of GHC (possibly a quagmire, might work out okay. Will take a
>>>> long time to build.)
>>>> 3. Unregister all the unnecessary packages from your global package-db.
>>>> Listing here: https://www.haskell.org/platform/changelog.html
>>>> (Additional Platform Libraries, do *not* uninstall any of the core
>>>> libraries)
>>>> If you make a mistake you may need to reinstall Platform.
>>>> 4. Give passing --allow-newer to cabal install a shot.
>>>> This is rough. Not that many people on <10.7 OS X versions so there
>>>> aren't enough squeaky wheels for this sort of thing.
>>>> Sorry I couldn't do more.
>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 3:54 PM, Miguel A. Santos
>>>> <miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hmm.. wouldn't that mean, I later have to reinstall all my packages?
>>>>> :-/
>>>>> Meanwhile, I did try the sandbox way. It didn't work either. Briefly I
>>>>> issued
>>>>> cabal sandbox init
>>>>> and then
>>>>> cabal install yesod-
>>>>> Details below.
>>>>> The initial complain about not being able to resolve dependencies makes
>>>>> me think
>>>>> I may be missing more things about working with sandboxes. Just checked
>>>>> https://www.haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/installing-packages.html#developing-with-sandboxes
>>>>> and guessed the init would be enough.
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> msantos at MBP-2[16:38]:~/System/YESOD/Sandbox$cabal sandbox init
>>>>> Writing a default package environment file to
>>>>> /Users/msantos/System/YESOD/Sandbox/cabal.sandbox.config
>>>>> Creating a new sandbox at
>>>>> /Users/msantos/System/YESOD/Sandbox/.cabal-sandbox
>>>>> msantos at MBP-2[16:41]:~/System/YESOD/Sandbox$cabal install yesod-
>>>>> Resolving dependencies...
>>>>> cabal: Could not resolve dependencies:
>>>>> next goal: yesod (user goal)
>>>>> rejecting: yesod-,,,,, 1.4.1,
>>>>> 1.4.0
>>>>> (global constraint requires ==
>>>>> trying: yesod-
>>>>> trying: streaming-commons- (dependency of yesod-
>>>>> trying: network- (dependency of
>>>>> streaming-commons-
>>>>> trying: parsec-3.1.5/installed-04a... (dependency of
>>>>> network-
>>>>> trying: mtl- (dependency of
>>>>> parsec-3.1.5/installed-04a...)
>>>>> trying: shakespeare-2.0.5 (dependency of yesod-
>>>>> trying: exceptions- (dependency of shakespeare-2.0.5)
>>>>> trying: transformers-compat- (dependency of exceptions-
>>>>> trying: transformers-compat-
>>>>> rejecting: transformers-compat- (conflict: mtl =>
>>>>> transformers==,
>>>>> transformers-compat- =>
>>>>> transformers>=0.4.1 && <0.5)
>>>>> rejecting: transformers-compat- (manual flag can only be
>>>>> changed
>>>>> explicitly)
>>>>> Backjump limit reached (change with --max-backjumps).
>>>>> Note: when using a sandbox, all packages are required to have
>>>>> consistent
>>>>> dependencies. Try reinstalling/unregistering the offending packages or
>>>>> recreating the sandbox.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Public key ID: E8FE60D7
>>>>> Public key server: see, e.g., hkp://keys.gnupg.net
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 4:46 PM, Christopher Allen <cma at bitemyapp.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> If you won't use a sandbox, then lets nuke your user package-db and
>>>>>> start from scratch:
>>>>>> rm -rf ~/.ghc
>>>>>> cabal install yesod==
>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 3:28 PM, Miguel A. Santos
>>>>>> <miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I haven't yet read how to use sandboxes, so, no, that I tried just
>>>>>>> like that cabal install...
>>>>>>> I did check first that cabal info yesod was saying I didn't have it
>>>>>>> install. But now that you mention it, I did
>>>>>>> may have had other packages lingering around from my last attempt of
>>>>>>> installing yesod.
>>>>>>> Meanwhile I did run forcing the install of 1.4.0...
>>>>>>> Ah, it finished with cabal install --force-reinstalls yesod-1.4.0
>>>>>>> and...
>>>>>>> it complains about the shakespeare.
>>>>>>> "shakespeare-2.0.5 failed during the building phase. The exception
>>>>>>> was:
>>>>>>> ExitFailure 1"
>>>>>>> Below the full output.
>>>>>>> I'll give a try to the sandbox solution.
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> msantos at MBP-2[16:09]:~/System/YESOD$cabal install --force-reinstalls
>>>>>>> yesod-1.4.0
>>>>>>> Resolving dependencies...
>>>>>>> Warning: The following packages are likely to be broken by the
>>>>>>> reinstalls:
>>>>>>> pandoc-citeproc-
>>>>>>> pandoc-
>>>>>>> project-template-0.2.0
>>>>>>> http-reverse-proxy-0.4.2
>>>>>>> Continuing even though the plan contains dangerous reinstalls.
>>>>>>> Downloading monad-control-
>>>>>>> Configuring shakespeare-2.0.5...
>>>>>>> Configuring monad-control-
>>>>>>> Building monad-control-
>>>>>>> Building shakespeare-2.0.5...
>>>>>>> Installed monad-control-
>>>>>>> Configuring lifted-base-
>>>>>>> Building lifted-base-
>>>>>>> Configuring resource-pool-
>>>>>>> Installed lifted-base-
>>>>>>> Building resource-pool-
>>>>>>> Installed resource-pool-
>>>>>>> Configuring enclosed-exceptions-
>>>>>>> Building enclosed-exceptions-
>>>>>>> Configuring resourcet-1.1.5...
>>>>>>> Installed enclosed-exceptions-
>>>>>>> Building resourcet-1.1.5...
>>>>>>> Failed to install shakespeare-2.0.5
>>>>>>> Build log ( /Users/msantos/.cabal/logs/shakespeare-2.0.5.log ):
>>>>>>> Configuring shakespeare-2.0.5...
>>>>>>> Building shakespeare-2.0.5...
>>>>>>> Preprocessing library shakespeare-2.0.5...
>>>>>>> [ 1 of 17] Compiling Text.MkSizeType  ( Text/MkSizeType.hs,
>>>>>>> dist/build/Text/MkSizeType.o )
>>>>>>> [ 2 of 17] Compiling Text.IndentToBrace ( Text/IndentToBrace.hs,
>>>>>>> dist/build/Text/IndentToBrace.o )
>>>>>>> [ 3 of 17] Compiling Text.Shakespeare.Base (
>>>>>>> Text/Shakespeare/Base.hs, dist/build/Text/Shakespeare/Base.o )
>>>>>>> [ 4 of 17] Compiling Text.Hamlet.Parse ( Text/Hamlet/Parse.hs,
>>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Hamlet/Parse.o )
>>>>>>> [ 5 of 17] Compiling Text.Hamlet      ( Text/Hamlet.hs,
>>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Hamlet.o )
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:402:1: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘varName’
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:406:1: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘strToExp’
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:439:16: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘html’
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:440:14: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘url’
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:441:19: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘url’
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:442:16: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘url’
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:443:20: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘msg_url’
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:444:14: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘msg’
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:488:43: Warning:
>>>>>>>     This binding for ‘c’ shadows the existing binding
>>>>>>>       bound at Text/Hamlet.hs:484:13
>>>>>>> [ 6 of 17] Compiling Text.Hamlet.RT   ( Text/Hamlet/RT.hs,
>>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Hamlet/RT.o )
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:78:13: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘x’
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:78:26: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘deref’
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:78:45: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘docs’
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:85:13: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘x’
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:85:25: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘deref’
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:85:44: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘jdocs’
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:85:50: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘ndocs’
>>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:115:37: Warning:
>>>>>>>     This binding for ‘x’ shadows the existing binding
>>>>>>>       bound at Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:108:13
>>>>>>> [ 7 of 17] Compiling Text.Shakespeare ( Text/Shakespeare.hs,
>>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Shakespeare.o )
>>>>>>> [ 8 of 17] Compiling Text.Shakespeare.Text (
>>>>>>> Text/Shakespeare/Text.hs, dist/build/Text/Shakespeare/Text.o )
>>>>>>> [ 9 of 17] Compiling Text.Julius      ( Text/Julius.hs,
>>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Julius.o )
>>>>>>> Text/Julius.hs:90:63: Warning:
>>>>>>>     In the use of ‘fromValue’ (imported from Data.Aeson.Encode):
>>>>>>>     Deprecated: "Use 'encodeToTextBuilder' instead"
>>>>>>> [10 of 17] Compiling Text.Roy         ( Text/Roy.hs,
>>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Roy.o )
>>>>>>> [11 of 17] Compiling Text.Coffee      ( Text/Coffee.hs,
>>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Coffee.o )
>>>>>>> [12 of 17] Compiling Text.Css         ( Text/Css.hs,
>>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Css.o )
>>>>>>> Text/Css.hs:349:40: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘subblocks’
>>>>>>> Text/Css.hs:367:5: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘subGo’
>>>>>>> [13 of 17] Compiling Text.CssCommon   ( Text/CssCommon.hs,
>>>>>>> dist/build/Text/CssCommon.o )
>>>>>>> Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
>>>>>>> Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
>>>>>>> Loading package base ... linking ... done.
>>>>>>> Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>>> Loading package deepseq- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>>> Loading package filepath- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>>> Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>>> Loading package time-1.4.2 ... linking ... done.
>>>>>>> Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>>> Loading package unix- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>>> Loading package directory- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>>> Loading package process- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>>> Loading package transformers- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>>> Loading package mtl- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>>> Loading package text- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>>> Loading package parsec-3.1.5 ... <command line>: can't load .so/.DLL
>>>>>>> for:
>>>>>>> /Library/Haskell/ghc-7.8.3-x86_64/lib/parsec-3.1.5/libHSparsec-3.1.5-ghc7.8.3.dylib
>>>>>>> (dlopen(/Library/Haskell/ghc-7.8.3-x86_64/lib/parsec-3.1.5/libHSparsec-3.1.5-ghc7.8.3.dylib,
>>>>>>> 9): Library not loaded: @rpath/libHStext-
>>>>>>>   Referenced from:
>>>>>>> /Library/Haskell/ghc-7.8.3-x86_64/lib/parsec-3.1.5/libHSparsec-3.1.5-ghc7.8.3.dylib
>>>>>>>   Reason: image not found)
>>>>>>> Installed resourcet-1.1.5
>>>>>>> Configuring wai-extra-
>>>>>>> Configuring conduit-
>>>>>>> Building conduit-
>>>>>>> Building wai-extra-
>>>>>>> Installed conduit-
>>>>>>> Configuring conduit-extra-1.1.9...
>>>>>>> Building conduit-extra-1.1.9...
>>>>>>> Configuring http-conduit-2.1.5...
>>>>>>> Installed wai-extra-
>>>>>>> Building http-conduit-2.1.5...
>>>>>>> Configuring yaml-0.8.11...
>>>>>>> Installed http-conduit-2.1.5
>>>>>>> Building yaml-0.8.11...
>>>>>>> Installed conduit-extra-1.1.9
>>>>>>> Configuring monad-logger-
>>>>>>> Building monad-logger-
>>>>>>> Configuring xml-conduit-1.3.0...
>>>>>>> Installed monad-logger-
>>>>>>> Building xml-conduit-1.3.0...
>>>>>>> Installed yaml-0.8.11
>>>>>>> Configuring persistent-2.1.6...
>>>>>>> Building persistent-2.1.6...
>>>>>>> Installed xml-conduit-1.3.0
>>>>>>> Configuring tagstream-conduit-
>>>>>>> Building tagstream-conduit-
>>>>>>> Installed tagstream-conduit-
>>>>>>> Configuring authenticate-
>>>>>>> Building authenticate-
>>>>>>> Installed authenticate-
>>>>>>> Installed persistent-2.1.6
>>>>>>> Configuring persistent-template-
>>>>>>> Building persistent-template-
>>>>>>> Installed persistent-template-
>>>>>>> Updating documentation index
>>>>>>> /Users/msantos/Library/Haskell/share/doc/x86_64-osx-ghc-7.8.3/index.html
>>>>>>> cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
>>>>>>> shakespeare-2.0.5 failed during the building phase. The exception
>>>>>>> was:
>>>>>>> ExitFailure 1
>>>>>>> yesod-1.4.0 depends on shakespeare-2.0.5 which failed to install.
>>>>>>> yesod-auth-1.4.5 depends on shakespeare-2.0.5 which failed to
>>>>>>> install.
>>>>>>> yesod-core- depends on shakespeare-2.0.5 which failed to
>>>>>>> install.
>>>>>>> yesod-form- depends on shakespeare-2.0.5 which failed to
>>>>>>> install.
>>>>>>> yesod-persistent- depends on shakespeare-2.0.5 which failed to
>>>>>>> install.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Public key ID: E8FE60D7
>>>>>>> Public key server: see, e.g., hkp://keys.gnupg.net
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 4:16 PM, Christopher Allen
>>>>>>> <cma at bitemyapp.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Some of that looks like churn from trying to install an older
>>>>>>>> version of Yesod over a newer one. Are you using a sandbox? if so, did you
>>>>>>>> wipe it out before attempting Yesod What we'd be looking for is a
>>>>>>>> package conflict that tells you which package of what version that is
>>>>>>>> globally installed is causing the conflict.
>>>>>>>> Insta-Yesodian conflict implies you're reinstalling into a not-fresh
>>>>>>>> packgage-db which means you either need to wipe your user package-db or use
>>>>>>>> a sandbox. (I recommend the latter).
>>>>>>>> If you haven't done so, do that, then re-attempt that version of
>>>>>>>> Yesod (
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Miguel A. Santos
>>>>>>>> <miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks! No problem. I gave a try to your suggestion. It doesn't
>>>>>>>>> look I'll get yesod installed without "paying"
>>>>>>>>> a bigger price than just "downgrading". :-/
>>>>>>>>> Yesod 1.4.0 warns that forcing installing it will likely break
>>>>>>>>> pandoc, among other things.
>>>>>>>>> I can give it a try though, but I really use pandoc regularly.
>>>>>>>>> Plus, it's still not clear that the building process
>>>>>>>>> will not fail. And installing pandoc took me surprisingly a lot of
>>>>>>>>> time last time.
>>>>>>>>> Forcing Yesod- won't allow cabal to satisfy the
>>>>>>>>> dependencies.
>>>>>>>>> I guess I could keep trying other versions and see. But I think
>>>>>>>>> I'll try the 1.4.0 first. Will post here
>>>>>>>>> the results so that at least others may hopefully benefit from
>>>>>>>>> this.
>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>  msantos at MBP-2[15:42]:~/System$cabal install yesod-1.4.0
>>>>>>>>> Resolving dependencies...
>>>>>>>>> In order, the following would be installed:
>>>>>>>>> monad-control- (latest: (via: yesod-1.4.0
>>>>>>>>> yesod-core- authenticate- xml-conduit-1.3.0
>>>>>>>>> persistent-template- persistent-2.1.6 monad-logger-
>>>>>>>>> http-conduit-2.1.5 conduit-extra-1.1.9 resourcet-1.1.5 resource-pool-
>>>>>>>>> enclosed-exceptions- lifted-base- (new version)
>>>>>>>>> lifted-base- (via: yesod-auth-1.4.5 yesod-core-
>>>>>>>>> wai-extra- persistent-2.1.6 monad-logger- http-conduit-2.1.5
>>>>>>>>> conduit- resourcet-1.1.5 enclosed-exceptions- (reinstall)
>>>>>>>>> (changes: monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>>> enclosed-exceptions- (via: yaml-0.8.11) (reinstall)
>>>>>>>>> (changes: monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>>> resource-pool- (via: yesod-persistent-
>>>>>>>>> persistent-2.1.6) (reinstall) (changes: monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>>> resourcet-1.1.5 (via: yesod-auth-1.4.5 yesod-form-
>>>>>>>>> yesod-persistent- yesod-core- yaml-0.8.11
>>>>>>>>> authenticate- tagstream-conduit- xml-conduit-1.3.0
>>>>>>>>> wai-extra- persistent-2.1.6 monad-logger- http-conduit-2.1.5
>>>>>>>>> conduit-extra-1.1.9 conduit- (reinstall) (changes:
>>>>>>>>> monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>>> conduit- (via: yesod-auth-1.4.5 yesod-persistent-
>>>>>>>>> yesod-core- yaml-0.8.11 authenticate-
>>>>>>>>> tagstream-conduit- xml-conduit-1.3.0 persistent-2.1.6
>>>>>>>>> monad-logger- http-conduit-2.1.5 conduit-extra-1.1.9) (reinstall)
>>>>>>>>> conduit-extra-1.1.9 (via: yesod-1.4.0 yesod-auth-1.4.5
>>>>>>>>> yesod-core- tagstream-conduit- xml-conduit-1.3.0
>>>>>>>>> monad-logger- (reinstall) (changes: monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>>> http-conduit-2.1.5 (via: yesod-auth-1.4.5 authenticate-
>>>>>>>>> (reinstall) (changes: monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>>> monad-logger- (via: yesod-1.4.0 yesod-core-
>>>>>>>>> persistent-template- persistent-2.1.6) (reinstall) (changes:
>>>>>>>>> monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>>> persistent-2.1.6 (via: yesod-auth-1.4.5 yesod-form-
>>>>>>>>> yesod-persistent- persistent-template- (reinstall) (changes:
>>>>>>>>> monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>>> persistent-template- (via: yesod-auth-1.4.5
>>>>>>>>> yesod-persistent- (reinstall) (changes: monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>>> shakespeare-2.0.5 (via: yesod-1.4.0 yesod-auth-1.4.5
>>>>>>>>> yesod-form- yesod-core- (new package)
>>>>>>>>> wai-extra- (via: yesod-1.4.0 yesod-core- (reinstall)
>>>>>>>>> xml-conduit-1.3.0 (via: authenticate-
>>>>>>>>> tagstream-conduit- (reinstall) (changes: monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>>> tagstream-conduit- (via: authenticate- (reinstall)
>>>>>>>>> authenticate- (via: yesod-auth-1.4.5) (reinstall) (changes:
>>>>>>>>> monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>>> yaml-0.8.11 (via: yesod-1.4.0) (reinstall)
>>>>>>>>> yesod-core- (via: yesod-1.4.0 yesod-auth-1.4.5
>>>>>>>>> yesod-form- yesod-persistent- (new package)
>>>>>>>>> yesod-persistent- (via: yesod-1.4.0 yesod-auth-1.4.5
>>>>>>>>> yesod-form- (new package)
>>>>>>>>> yesod-form- (via: yesod-1.4.0 yesod-auth-1.4.5) (new
>>>>>>>>> package)
>>>>>>>>> yesod-auth-1.4.5 (via: yesod-1.4.0) (new package)
>>>>>>>>> yesod-1.4.0 (latest: (new package)
>>>>>>>>> cabal: The following packages are likely to be broken by the
>>>>>>>>> reinstalls:
>>>>>>>>> pandoc-citeproc-
>>>>>>>>> pandoc-
>>>>>>>>> project-template-0.2.0
>>>>>>>>> http-reverse-proxy-0.4.2
>>>>>>>>> Use --force-reinstalls if you want to install anyway.
>>>>>>>>> msantos at MBP-2[15:42]:~/System$cabal install yesod-
>>>>>>>>> Resolving dependencies...
>>>>>>>>> cabal: Could not resolve dependencies:
>>>>>>>>> next goal: yesod (user goal)
>>>>>>>>> rejecting: yesod-,,,,,
>>>>>>>>> 1.4.1, 1.4.0
>>>>>>>>> (global constraint requires ==
>>>>>>>>> trying: yesod-
>>>>>>>>> trying: streaming-commons- (dependency of
>>>>>>>>> yesod-
>>>>>>>>> trying: warp- (dependency of
>>>>>>>>> yesod-
>>>>>>>>> next goal: yesod-form (dependency of yesod-
>>>>>>>>> rejecting: yesod-form-, 1.4.4,, 1.4.3,,
>>>>>>>>> 1.4.2,,
>>>>>>>>> 1.4.1,,, 1.4.0 (conflict: yesod => yesod-form>=1.3
>>>>>>>>> && <1.4)
>>>>>>>>> trying: yesod-form-1.3.16
>>>>>>>>> next goal: persistent (dependency of yesod-form-1.3.16)
>>>>>>>>> rejecting: persistent-2.1.6/installed-4f9..., 2.1.6, 2.1.5, 2.1.4,
>>>>>>>>> 2.1.3,
>>>>>>>>> 2.1.2,,,,,,,
>>>>>>>>>, 2.1.1,
>>>>>>>>>,, 2.1 (conflict: yesod-form => persistent>=1.2 &&
>>>>>>>>> <2.1)
>>>>>>>>> trying: persistent-1.3.3
>>>>>>>>> trying: path-pieces-0.2.0/installed-533... (dependency of
>>>>>>>>> persistent-1.3.3)
>>>>>>>>> next goal: yesod-core (dependency of yesod-
>>>>>>>>> rejecting: yesod-core-, 1.4.9,,,,
>>>>>>>>> 1.4.8,
>>>>>>>>>,,, 1.4.7,,, 1.4.6, 1.4.5,
>>>>>>>>>,,,, 1.4.4,, 1.4.3, 1.4.2,
>>>>>>>>> 1.4.1,,, 1.4.0 (conflict: yesod =>
>>>>>>>>> yesod-core>=1.2.2 && <1.3)
>>>>>>>>> rejecting: yesod-core-, 1.2.20,,, 1.2.19,
>>>>>>>>> 1.2.18,
>>>>>>>>> 1.2.17,, 1.2.16,,, 1.2.15, 1.2.14,
>>>>>>>>> 1.2.13, 1.2.12,, 1.2.11, 1.2.10,,, 1.2.9,
>>>>>>>>> 1.2.8,
>>>>>>>>> 1.2.7,,,,,,,
>>>>>>>>> (conflict: path-pieces==0.2.0/installed-533..., yesod-core =>
>>>>>>>>> path-pieces>=0.1.2 && <0.2)
>>>>>>>>> rejecting: yesod-core-1.2.6 (conflict: streaming-commons =>
>>>>>>>>> text==, yesod-core => text>=0.7 && <0.12)
>>>>>>>>> rejecting: yesod-core-1.2.5,,,,,
>>>>>>>>> 1.2.4, 1.2.3, 1.2.2 (conflict: warp =>
>>>>>>>>> wai==,
>>>>>>>>> yesod-core => wai>=1.4 && <1.5)
>>>>>>>>> rejecting: yesod-core-1.2.1,,,,,
>>>>>>>>> 1.2.0,
>>>>>>>>>,,, 1.1.8,,, 1.1.7,,
>>>>>>>>> 1.1.6,
>>>>>>>>> 1.1.5,,, 1.1.4,, 1.1.3,,,
>>>>>>>>> 1.1.2,
>>>>>>>>>,, 1.1.1,, 1.1.0,,,,
>>>>>>>>> 1.0.1,
>>>>>>>>>,, 1.0.0, 0.10.3,,, 0.10.2,
>>>>>>>>> 0.10.1,,
>>>>>>>>> 0.9.4,,,,,,, 0.9.3,
>>>>>>>>> 0.9.2,
>>>>>>>>>, 0.9.1,,, 0.8.3, 0.8.2, 0.8.1,,
>>>>>>>>> 0.8.0,
>>>>>>>>>,, 0.7.0 (conflict: yesod => yesod-core>=1.2.2 &&
>>>>>>>>> <1.3)
>>>>>>>>> Backjump limit reached (change with --max-backjumps).
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Public key ID: E8FE60D7
>>>>>>>>> Public key server: see, e.g., hkp://keys.gnupg.net
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 3:32 PM, Christopher Allen
>>>>>>>>> <cma at bitemyapp.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Ah that's frustrating, that's my mistake – I'm sorry. I thought
>>>>>>>>>> you were talking about GHC for Mac OS X not being available for your OS
>>>>>>>>>> version either.
>>>>>>>>>> Your best bet on HP is to specify an older version of Yesod that
>>>>>>>>>> will work with the dependencies that your version of HP comes with.
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Miguel A. Santos
>>>>>>>>>> <miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Indeed I saw that. That's what I meant with the bindist not being
>>>>>>>>>>> available for OSX 10.6.8; only for 10.7+
>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.haskell.org/ghc/download_ghc_7_8_4#macosx_x86_64
>>>>>>>>>>> My bad, I should have said it before.
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Public key ID: E8FE60D7
>>>>>>>>>>> Public key server: see, e.g., hkp://keys.gnupg.net
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 2:36 PM, Christopher Allen
>>>>>>>>>>> <cma at bitemyapp.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Did you see that the Mac instructions said to follow the "other
>>>>>>>>>>>> *nix" instructions if you were using an older version of Mac OS X?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Those link here:
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.haskell.org/ghc/download_ghc_7_8_4#binaries
>>>>>>>>>>>> Get rid of all that (GHC, HP, Cabal), then install GHC using the
>>>>>>>>>>>> bindist for Mac OS X linked above.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 1:14 PM, Miguel A. Santos
>>>>>>>>>>>> <miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is obviously a typo: I meant I *did* do a fresh install of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Haskell Platform and cabal before
>>>>>>>>>>>>> trying -and failing- to install yesod.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 1:38 PM, Miguel A. Santos
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This corresponds to a fresh install of the HP, ghc, and cabal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I didn't before trying to install yesod.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Public key ID: E8FE60D7
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Public key server: see, e.g., hkp://keys.gnupg.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Haskell-Cafe at haskell.org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://mail.haskell.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Chris Allen
>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently working on http://haskellbook.com
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Chris Allen
>>>>>>>>>> Currently working on http://haskellbook.com
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Chris Allen
>>>>>>>> Currently working on http://haskellbook.com
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Chris Allen
>>>>>> Currently working on http://haskellbook.com
>>>> --
>>>> Chris Allen
>>>> Currently working on http://haskellbook.com
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>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
>> Haskell-Cafe at haskell.org
>> http://mail.haskell.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe
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