[Haskell-cafe] shakespeare >= 2.0.2 fails to install in OS X 10.6.8, Haskell-platform 2014.2.0.0; cabal-install
heraldhoi at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 07:37:53 UTC 2015
Hi, Miguel. Haskell Platform includes GHC itself and some set of packages,
such as text, network, and etc. If I recall correctly thete was issues with
Yesod and HP because some package versions and the best way to install
Yesod were sandboxes, because sandbox have its own package database.
Removing or just moving .ghc folder helped me in past several times,
usually it was needed when different projects depends on different package
versions, now I put every project inside sandbox to prevent this.
As for pandoc, if you use only binary you can install it having no GHC at
all (download package installer from website).
If I were you I'll install GHC 7.8.* alone rather than Platform,
caball-install 1.22.* and try to build everything againg using sandboxes.
Also there is a Stackage and its tools (stackage-cli and recently released
stack), they are very helpful in caball-hell issues. Also there is Halcyon
but I have not tried it myself. Apologize for missing links, I'm mobile
3:23 до полудня, пт, 19.06.2015, Miguel A. Santos <
miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com>:
> One more detail about my try with rm ~/.ghc:
> I find it curious that I didn't get that directory rebuild again when
> trying to install yesod.
> Did I miss something?
> --
> Public key ID: E8FE60D7
> Public key server: see, e.g., hkp://keys.gnupg.net
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 6:18 PM, Miguel A. Santos <
> miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ok, removing ~/.ghc (actually just moving it to ~/.ghc-org) didn't work
>> either. The detailed output is below
>> but from a cursory view it seems not much better than within the sandbox
>> try before.
>> I understand I'm staying in the "past" and with that comes problems like
>> this one, but upgrading to Yellowstone
>> is not an option for me.
>> I have some questions about your other options. In particular, I'm not
>> sure what you mean by (capitals) GHC.
>> I thought that's just the compiler. I don't understand your first
>> sentence after "vanilla". What is what I got
>> with HP if not GHC for MacOSX!?
>> About point 2., I'm building (already for hours, that's the 'other'
>> process I'd running) ghc from the tarball ghc-7.8.4-src.tar.bz2 available
>> at the bottom of that same link we mentioned before, namely,
>> https://www.haskell.org/ghc/download_ghc_7_8_4#binaries Is this the same
>> as what you mean by this 2nd option? Mind you I'm already using version
>> 7.8.3. How will a new version of the compiler change what looks like a
>> compatibility problem with a package? or you mean it is not that simple?
>> Option 3: It seems to me I may as well just remove everything, install HP
>> again (already downloaded) and after
>> that step finishes, trying installing right away yesod, before I try with
>> any other packages. Seems a path based
>> mostly on blind hope than logic to me :-p as the only big thing I
>> installed between my fresh install of HP and my initial try of yesod was
>> pandoc, which had some large dependencies to deal with. But it's a simple
>> one, so I may check it definitely out
>> of the equation.
>> Option 4: I guess this is something I can try right away without much
>> effort. To be concrete you mean then
>> cabal install --allow-newer yesod ?
>> Btw, thanks so much for your prompt help!
>> --------------------------------------------
>> msantos at MBP-2[17:09]:~/System/YESOD$mv ~/.ghc/ ~/.ghc-org
>> msantos at MBP-2[17:30]:~$cabal install yesod==
>> Warning: The package list for 'hackage.haskell.org' is 15.0 days old.
>> Run 'cabal update' to get the latest list of available packages.
>> Resolving dependencies...
>> cabal: Could not resolve dependencies:
>> next goal: yesod (user goal)
>> rejecting: yesod-,,,,, 1.4.1, 1.4.0
>> (global constraint requires ==
>> trying: yesod-
>> trying: streaming-commons- (dependency of yesod-
>> trying: network- (dependency of
>> streaming-commons-
>> trying: parsec-3.1.5/installed-04a... (dependency of
>> network-
>> trying: mtl- (dependency of
>> parsec-3.1.5/installed-04a...)
>> trying: shakespeare-2.0.5 (dependency of yesod-
>> trying: exceptions- (dependency of shakespeare-2.0.5)
>> trying: transformers-compat- (dependency of exceptions-
>> trying: transformers-compat-
>> rejecting: transformers-compat- (conflict: mtl =>
>> transformers==,
>> transformers-compat- =>
>> transformers>=0.4.1 && <0.5)
>> rejecting: transformers-compat- (manual flag can only be
>> changed
>> explicitly)
>> Backjump limit reached (change with --max-backjumps).
>> --
>> Public key ID: E8FE60D7
>> Public key server: see, e.g., hkp://keys.gnupg.net
>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 5:15 PM, Christopher Allen <cma at bitemyapp.com>
>> wrote:
>>> You don't need to rm -rf ~/.ghc if you're using a sandbox. The sandbox
>>> (usually) occludes the user package-db.
>>> Well, the sandbox may not have fixed the incompatibility of HP and that
>>> particular version of Yesod, but we're better information from the
>>> dependency solver.
>>> That said, this is going to simply require a lot of trial and error if
>>> you want to try this approach and me telling you increment/decrement
>>> versions isn't going to be any faster.
>>> I'd say your best options are:
>>> 1. Upgrade your installation of Mac OS X so you can use the vanilla GHC
>>> bindist, or even better, GHC for Mac OS X
>>> 2. Use your copy of Haskell Platform to build GHC from source and use
>>> that instead of GHC (possibly a quagmire, might work out okay. Will take a
>>> long time to build.)
>>> 3. Unregister all the unnecessary packages from your global package-db.
>>> Listing here: https://www.haskell.org/platform/changelog.html
>>> (Additional Platform Libraries, do *not* uninstall any of the core
>>> libraries)
>>> If you make a mistake you may need to reinstall Platform.
>>> 4. Give passing --allow-newer to cabal install a shot.
>>> This is rough. Not that many people on <10.7 OS X versions so there
>>> aren't enough squeaky wheels for this sort of thing.
>>> Sorry I couldn't do more.
>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 3:54 PM, Miguel A. Santos <
>>> miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hmm.. wouldn't that mean, I later have to reinstall all my packages? :-/
>>>> Meanwhile, I did try the sandbox way. It didn't work either. Briefly I
>>>> issued
>>>> cabal sandbox init
>>>> and then
>>>> cabal install yesod-
>>>> Details below.
>>>> The initial complain about not being able to resolve dependencies makes
>>>> me think
>>>> I may be missing more things about working with sandboxes. Just checked
>>>> https://www.haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/installing-packages.html#developing-with-sandboxes
>>>> and guessed the init would be enough.
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>>> msantos at MBP-2[16:38]:~/System/YESOD/Sandbox$cabal sandbox init
>>>> Writing a default package environment file to
>>>> /Users/msantos/System/YESOD/Sandbox/cabal.sandbox.config
>>>> Creating a new sandbox at
>>>> /Users/msantos/System/YESOD/Sandbox/.cabal-sandbox
>>>> msantos at MBP-2[16:41]:~/System/YESOD/Sandbox$cabal install yesod-
>>>> Resolving dependencies...
>>>> cabal: Could not resolve dependencies:
>>>> next goal: yesod (user goal)
>>>> rejecting: yesod-,,,,, 1.4.1,
>>>> 1.4.0
>>>> (global constraint requires ==
>>>> trying: yesod-
>>>> trying: streaming-commons- (dependency of yesod-
>>>> trying: network- (dependency of
>>>> streaming-commons-
>>>> trying: parsec-3.1.5/installed-04a... (dependency of
>>>> network-
>>>> trying: mtl- (dependency of
>>>> parsec-3.1.5/installed-04a...)
>>>> trying: shakespeare-2.0.5 (dependency of yesod-
>>>> trying: exceptions- (dependency of shakespeare-2.0.5)
>>>> trying: transformers-compat- (dependency of exceptions-
>>>> trying: transformers-compat-
>>>> rejecting: transformers-compat- (conflict: mtl =>
>>>> transformers==,
>>>> transformers-compat- =>
>>>> transformers>=0.4.1 && <0.5)
>>>> rejecting: transformers-compat- (manual flag can only be
>>>> changed
>>>> explicitly)
>>>> Backjump limit reached (change with --max-backjumps).
>>>> Note: when using a sandbox, all packages are required to have consistent
>>>> dependencies. Try reinstalling/unregistering the offending packages or
>>>> recreating the sandbox.
>>>> --
>>>> Public key ID: E8FE60D7
>>>> Public key server: see, e.g., hkp://keys.gnupg.net
>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 4:46 PM, Christopher Allen <cma at bitemyapp.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> If you won't use a sandbox, then lets nuke your user package-db and
>>>>> start from scratch:
>>>>> rm -rf ~/.ghc
>>>>> cabal install yesod==
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 3:28 PM, Miguel A. Santos <
>>>>> miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I haven't yet read how to use sandboxes, so, no, that I tried just
>>>>>> like that cabal install...
>>>>>> I did check first that cabal info yesod was saying I didn't have it
>>>>>> install. But now that you mention it, I did
>>>>>> may have had other packages lingering around from my last attempt of
>>>>>> installing yesod.
>>>>>> Meanwhile I did run forcing the install of 1.4.0...
>>>>>> Ah, it finished with cabal install --force-reinstalls yesod-1.4.0
>>>>>> and...
>>>>>> it complains about the shakespeare.
>>>>>> "shakespeare-2.0.5 failed during the building phase. The exception
>>>>>> was:
>>>>>> ExitFailure 1"
>>>>>> Below the full output.
>>>>>> I'll give a try to the sandbox solution.
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> msantos at MBP-2[16:09]:~/System/YESOD$cabal install --force-reinstalls
>>>>>> yesod-1.4.0
>>>>>> Resolving dependencies...
>>>>>> Warning: The following packages are likely to be broken by the
>>>>>> reinstalls:
>>>>>> pandoc-citeproc-
>>>>>> pandoc-
>>>>>> project-template-0.2.0
>>>>>> http-reverse-proxy-0.4.2
>>>>>> Continuing even though the plan contains dangerous reinstalls.
>>>>>> Downloading monad-control-
>>>>>> Configuring shakespeare-2.0.5...
>>>>>> Configuring monad-control-
>>>>>> Building monad-control-
>>>>>> Building shakespeare-2.0.5...
>>>>>> Installed monad-control-
>>>>>> Configuring lifted-base-
>>>>>> Building lifted-base-
>>>>>> Configuring resource-pool-
>>>>>> Installed lifted-base-
>>>>>> Building resource-pool-
>>>>>> Installed resource-pool-
>>>>>> Configuring enclosed-exceptions-
>>>>>> Building enclosed-exceptions-
>>>>>> Configuring resourcet-1.1.5...
>>>>>> Installed enclosed-exceptions-
>>>>>> Building resourcet-1.1.5...
>>>>>> Failed to install shakespeare-2.0.5
>>>>>> Build log ( /Users/msantos/.cabal/logs/shakespeare-2.0.5.log ):
>>>>>> Configuring shakespeare-2.0.5...
>>>>>> Building shakespeare-2.0.5...
>>>>>> Preprocessing library shakespeare-2.0.5...
>>>>>> [ 1 of 17] Compiling Text.MkSizeType ( Text/MkSizeType.hs,
>>>>>> dist/build/Text/MkSizeType.o )
>>>>>> [ 2 of 17] Compiling Text.IndentToBrace ( Text/IndentToBrace.hs,
>>>>>> dist/build/Text/IndentToBrace.o )
>>>>>> [ 3 of 17] Compiling Text.Shakespeare.Base (
>>>>>> Text/Shakespeare/Base.hs, dist/build/Text/Shakespeare/Base.o )
>>>>>> [ 4 of 17] Compiling Text.Hamlet.Parse ( Text/Hamlet/Parse.hs,
>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Hamlet/Parse.o )
>>>>>> [ 5 of 17] Compiling Text.Hamlet ( Text/Hamlet.hs,
>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Hamlet.o )
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:402:1: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘varName’
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:406:1: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘strToExp’
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:439:16: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘html’
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:440:14: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘url’
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:441:19: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘url’
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:442:16: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘url’
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:443:20: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘msg_url’
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:444:14: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘msg’
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet.hs:488:43: Warning:
>>>>>> This binding for ‘c’ shadows the existing binding
>>>>>> bound at Text/Hamlet.hs:484:13
>>>>>> [ 6 of 17] Compiling Text.Hamlet.RT ( Text/Hamlet/RT.hs,
>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Hamlet/RT.o )
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:78:13: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘x’
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:78:26: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘deref’
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:78:45: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘docs’
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:85:13: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘x’
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:85:25: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘deref’
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:85:44: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘jdocs’
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:85:50: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘ndocs’
>>>>>> Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:115:37: Warning:
>>>>>> This binding for ‘x’ shadows the existing binding
>>>>>> bound at Text/Hamlet/RT.hs:108:13
>>>>>> [ 7 of 17] Compiling Text.Shakespeare ( Text/Shakespeare.hs,
>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Shakespeare.o )
>>>>>> [ 8 of 17] Compiling Text.Shakespeare.Text (
>>>>>> Text/Shakespeare/Text.hs, dist/build/Text/Shakespeare/Text.o )
>>>>>> [ 9 of 17] Compiling Text.Julius ( Text/Julius.hs,
>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Julius.o )
>>>>>> Text/Julius.hs:90:63: Warning:
>>>>>> In the use of ‘fromValue’ (imported from Data.Aeson.Encode):
>>>>>> Deprecated: "Use 'encodeToTextBuilder' instead"
>>>>>> [10 of 17] Compiling Text.Roy ( Text/Roy.hs,
>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Roy.o )
>>>>>> [11 of 17] Compiling Text.Coffee ( Text/Coffee.hs,
>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Coffee.o )
>>>>>> [12 of 17] Compiling Text.Css ( Text/Css.hs,
>>>>>> dist/build/Text/Css.o )
>>>>>> Text/Css.hs:349:40: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘subblocks’
>>>>>> Text/Css.hs:367:5: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘subGo’
>>>>>> [13 of 17] Compiling Text.CssCommon ( Text/CssCommon.hs,
>>>>>> dist/build/Text/CssCommon.o )
>>>>>> Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
>>>>>> Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
>>>>>> Loading package base ... linking ... done.
>>>>>> Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>> Loading package deepseq- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>> Loading package filepath- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>> Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>> Loading package time-1.4.2 ... linking ... done.
>>>>>> Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>> Loading package unix- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>> Loading package directory- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>> Loading package process- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>> Loading package transformers- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>> Loading package mtl- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>> Loading package text- ... linking ... done.
>>>>>> Loading package parsec-3.1.5 ... <command line>: can't load .so/.DLL
>>>>>> for:
>>>>>> /Library/Haskell/ghc-7.8.3-x86_64/lib/parsec-3.1.5/libHSparsec-3.1.5-ghc7.8.3.dylib
>>>>>> (dlopen(/Library/Haskell/ghc-7.8.3-x86_64/lib/parsec-3.1.5/libHSparsec-3.1.5-ghc7.8.3.dylib,
>>>>>> 9): Library not loaded: @rpath/libHStext-
>>>>>> Referenced from:
>>>>>> /Library/Haskell/ghc-7.8.3-x86_64/lib/parsec-3.1.5/libHSparsec-3.1.5-ghc7.8.3.dylib
>>>>>> Reason: image not found)
>>>>>> Installed resourcet-1.1.5
>>>>>> Configuring wai-extra-
>>>>>> Configuring conduit-
>>>>>> Building conduit-
>>>>>> Building wai-extra-
>>>>>> Installed conduit-
>>>>>> Configuring conduit-extra-1.1.9...
>>>>>> Building conduit-extra-1.1.9...
>>>>>> Configuring http-conduit-2.1.5...
>>>>>> Installed wai-extra-
>>>>>> Building http-conduit-2.1.5...
>>>>>> Configuring yaml-0.8.11...
>>>>>> Installed http-conduit-2.1.5
>>>>>> Building yaml-0.8.11...
>>>>>> Installed conduit-extra-1.1.9
>>>>>> Configuring monad-logger-
>>>>>> Building monad-logger-
>>>>>> Configuring xml-conduit-1.3.0...
>>>>>> Installed monad-logger-
>>>>>> Building xml-conduit-1.3.0...
>>>>>> Installed yaml-0.8.11
>>>>>> Configuring persistent-2.1.6...
>>>>>> Building persistent-2.1.6...
>>>>>> Installed xml-conduit-1.3.0
>>>>>> Configuring tagstream-conduit-
>>>>>> Building tagstream-conduit-
>>>>>> Installed tagstream-conduit-
>>>>>> Configuring authenticate-
>>>>>> Building authenticate-
>>>>>> Installed authenticate-
>>>>>> Installed persistent-2.1.6
>>>>>> Configuring persistent-template-
>>>>>> Building persistent-template-
>>>>>> Installed persistent-template-
>>>>>> Updating documentation index
>>>>>> /Users/msantos/Library/Haskell/share/doc/x86_64-osx-ghc-7.8.3/index.html
>>>>>> cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
>>>>>> shakespeare-2.0.5 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
>>>>>> ExitFailure 1
>>>>>> yesod-1.4.0 depends on shakespeare-2.0.5 which failed to install.
>>>>>> yesod-auth-1.4.5 depends on shakespeare-2.0.5 which failed to install.
>>>>>> yesod-core- depends on shakespeare-2.0.5 which failed to
>>>>>> install.
>>>>>> yesod-form- depends on shakespeare-2.0.5 which failed to
>>>>>> install.
>>>>>> yesod-persistent- depends on shakespeare-2.0.5 which failed to
>>>>>> install.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Public key ID: E8FE60D7
>>>>>> Public key server: see, e.g., hkp://keys.gnupg.net
>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 4:16 PM, Christopher Allen <cma at bitemyapp.com
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> Some of that looks like churn from trying to install an older
>>>>>>> version of Yesod over a newer one. Are you using a sandbox? if so, did you
>>>>>>> wipe it out before attempting Yesod What we'd be looking for is a
>>>>>>> package conflict that tells you which package of what version that is
>>>>>>> globally installed is causing the conflict.
>>>>>>> Insta-Yesodian conflict implies you're reinstalling into a not-fresh
>>>>>>> packgage-db which means you either need to wipe your user package-db or use
>>>>>>> a sandbox. (I recommend the latter).
>>>>>>> If you haven't done so, do that, then re-attempt that version of
>>>>>>> Yesod (
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Miguel A. Santos <
>>>>>>> miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks! No problem. I gave a try to your suggestion. It doesn't
>>>>>>>> look I'll get yesod installed without "paying"
>>>>>>>> a bigger price than just "downgrading". :-/
>>>>>>>> Yesod 1.4.0 warns that forcing installing it will likely break
>>>>>>>> pandoc, among other things.
>>>>>>>> I can give it a try though, but I really use pandoc regularly.
>>>>>>>> Plus, it's still not clear that the building process
>>>>>>>> will not fail. And installing pandoc took me surprisingly a lot of
>>>>>>>> time last time.
>>>>>>>> Forcing Yesod- won't allow cabal to satisfy the dependencies.
>>>>>>>> I guess I could keep trying other versions and see. But I think
>>>>>>>> I'll try the 1.4.0 first. Will post here
>>>>>>>> the results so that at least others may hopefully benefit from this.
>>>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> msantos at MBP-2[15:42]:~/System$cabal install yesod-1.4.0
>>>>>>>> Resolving dependencies...
>>>>>>>> In order, the following would be installed:
>>>>>>>> monad-control- (latest: (via: yesod-1.4.0
>>>>>>>> yesod-core- authenticate- xml-conduit-1.3.0
>>>>>>>> persistent-template- persistent-2.1.6 monad-logger-
>>>>>>>> http-conduit-2.1.5 conduit-extra-1.1.9 resourcet-1.1.5
>>>>>>>> resource-pool- enclosed-exceptions- lifted-base- (new
>>>>>>>> version)
>>>>>>>> lifted-base- (via: yesod-auth-1.4.5 yesod-core-
>>>>>>>> wai-extra- persistent-2.1.6 monad-logger- http-conduit-2.1.5
>>>>>>>> conduit- resourcet-1.1.5 enclosed-exceptions- (reinstall)
>>>>>>>> (changes: monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>> enclosed-exceptions- (via: yaml-0.8.11) (reinstall)
>>>>>>>> (changes: monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>> resource-pool- (via: yesod-persistent-
>>>>>>>> persistent-2.1.6) (reinstall) (changes: monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>> resourcet-1.1.5 (via: yesod-auth-1.4.5 yesod-form-
>>>>>>>> yesod-persistent- yesod-core- yaml-0.8.11
>>>>>>>> authenticate- tagstream-conduit- xml-conduit-1.3.0
>>>>>>>> wai-extra- persistent-2.1.6 monad-logger- http-conduit-2.1.5
>>>>>>>> conduit-extra-1.1.9 conduit- (reinstall) (changes:
>>>>>>>> monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>> conduit- (via: yesod-auth-1.4.5 yesod-persistent-
>>>>>>>> yesod-core- yaml-0.8.11 authenticate-
>>>>>>>> tagstream-conduit- xml-conduit-1.3.0 persistent-2.1.6
>>>>>>>> monad-logger- http-conduit-2.1.5 conduit-extra-1.1.9) (reinstall)
>>>>>>>> conduit-extra-1.1.9 (via: yesod-1.4.0 yesod-auth-1.4.5
>>>>>>>> yesod-core- tagstream-conduit- xml-conduit-1.3.0
>>>>>>>> monad-logger- (reinstall) (changes: monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>> http-conduit-2.1.5 (via: yesod-auth-1.4.5 authenticate-
>>>>>>>> (reinstall) (changes: monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>> monad-logger- (via: yesod-1.4.0 yesod-core-
>>>>>>>> persistent-template- persistent-2.1.6) (reinstall) (changes:
>>>>>>>> monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>> persistent-2.1.6 (via: yesod-auth-1.4.5 yesod-form-
>>>>>>>> yesod-persistent- persistent-template- (reinstall) (changes:
>>>>>>>> monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>> persistent-template- (via: yesod-auth-1.4.5
>>>>>>>> yesod-persistent- (reinstall) (changes: monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>> shakespeare-2.0.5 (via: yesod-1.4.0 yesod-auth-1.4.5
>>>>>>>> yesod-form- yesod-core- (new package)
>>>>>>>> wai-extra- (via: yesod-1.4.0 yesod-core- (reinstall)
>>>>>>>> xml-conduit-1.3.0 (via: authenticate-
>>>>>>>> tagstream-conduit- (reinstall) (changes: monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>> tagstream-conduit- (via: authenticate- (reinstall)
>>>>>>>> authenticate- (via: yesod-auth-1.4.5) (reinstall) (changes:
>>>>>>>> monad-control- ->
>>>>>>>> yaml-0.8.11 (via: yesod-1.4.0) (reinstall)
>>>>>>>> yesod-core- (via: yesod-1.4.0 yesod-auth-1.4.5
>>>>>>>> yesod-form- yesod-persistent- (new package)
>>>>>>>> yesod-persistent- (via: yesod-1.4.0 yesod-auth-1.4.5
>>>>>>>> yesod-form- (new package)
>>>>>>>> yesod-form- (via: yesod-1.4.0 yesod-auth-1.4.5) (new package)
>>>>>>>> yesod-auth-1.4.5 (via: yesod-1.4.0) (new package)
>>>>>>>> yesod-1.4.0 (latest: (new package)
>>>>>>>> cabal: The following packages are likely to be broken by the
>>>>>>>> reinstalls:
>>>>>>>> pandoc-citeproc-
>>>>>>>> pandoc-
>>>>>>>> project-template-0.2.0
>>>>>>>> http-reverse-proxy-0.4.2
>>>>>>>> Use --force-reinstalls if you want to install anyway.
>>>>>>>> msantos at MBP-2[15:42]:~/System$cabal install yesod-
>>>>>>>> Resolving dependencies...
>>>>>>>> cabal: Could not resolve dependencies:
>>>>>>>> next goal: yesod (user goal)
>>>>>>>> rejecting: yesod-,,,,,
>>>>>>>> 1.4.1, 1.4.0
>>>>>>>> (global constraint requires ==
>>>>>>>> trying: yesod-
>>>>>>>> trying: streaming-commons- (dependency of
>>>>>>>> yesod-
>>>>>>>> trying: warp- (dependency of yesod-
>>>>>>>> next goal: yesod-form (dependency of yesod-
>>>>>>>> rejecting: yesod-form-, 1.4.4,, 1.4.3,,
>>>>>>>> 1.4.2,,
>>>>>>>> 1.4.1,,, 1.4.0 (conflict: yesod => yesod-form>=1.3
>>>>>>>> && <1.4)
>>>>>>>> trying: yesod-form-1.3.16
>>>>>>>> next goal: persistent (dependency of yesod-form-1.3.16)
>>>>>>>> rejecting: persistent-2.1.6/installed-4f9..., 2.1.6, 2.1.5, 2.1.4,
>>>>>>>> 2.1.3,
>>>>>>>> 2.1.2,,,,,,,
>>>>>>>>, 2.1.1,
>>>>>>>>,, 2.1 (conflict: yesod-form => persistent>=1.2 &&
>>>>>>>> <2.1)
>>>>>>>> trying: persistent-1.3.3
>>>>>>>> trying: path-pieces-0.2.0/installed-533... (dependency of
>>>>>>>> persistent-1.3.3)
>>>>>>>> next goal: yesod-core (dependency of yesod-
>>>>>>>> rejecting: yesod-core-, 1.4.9,,,,
>>>>>>>> 1.4.8,
>>>>>>>>,,, 1.4.7,,, 1.4.6, 1.4.5,
>>>>>>>>,,,, 1.4.4,, 1.4.3, 1.4.2,
>>>>>>>> 1.4.1,,, 1.4.0 (conflict: yesod =>
>>>>>>>> yesod-core>=1.2.2 && <1.3)
>>>>>>>> rejecting: yesod-core-, 1.2.20,,, 1.2.19,
>>>>>>>> 1.2.18,
>>>>>>>> 1.2.17,, 1.2.16,,, 1.2.15, 1.2.14,
>>>>>>>> 1.2.13, 1.2.12,, 1.2.11, 1.2.10,,, 1.2.9,
>>>>>>>> 1.2.8,
>>>>>>>> 1.2.7,,,,,,,
>>>>>>>> (conflict: path-pieces==0.2.0/installed-533..., yesod-core =>
>>>>>>>> path-pieces>=0.1.2 && <0.2)
>>>>>>>> rejecting: yesod-core-1.2.6 (conflict: streaming-commons =>
>>>>>>>> text==, yesod-core => text>=0.7 && <0.12)
>>>>>>>> rejecting: yesod-core-1.2.5,,,,,
>>>>>>>> 1.2.4, 1.2.3, 1.2.2 (conflict: warp => wai==
>>>>>>>> .,
>>>>>>>> yesod-core => wai>=1.4 && <1.5)
>>>>>>>> rejecting: yesod-core-1.2.1,,,,,
>>>>>>>> 1.2.0,
>>>>>>>>,,, 1.1.8,,, 1.1.7,,
>>>>>>>> 1.1.6,
>>>>>>>> 1.1.5,,, 1.1.4,, 1.1.3,,,
>>>>>>>> 1.1.2,
>>>>>>>>,, 1.1.1,, 1.1.0,,,,
>>>>>>>> 1.0.1,
>>>>>>>>,, 1.0.0, 0.10.3,,, 0.10.2,
>>>>>>>> 0.10.1,,
>>>>>>>> 0.9.4,,,,,,, 0.9.3,
>>>>>>>> 0.9.2,
>>>>>>>>, 0.9.1,,, 0.8.3, 0.8.2, 0.8.1,,
>>>>>>>> 0.8.0,
>>>>>>>>,, 0.7.0 (conflict: yesod => yesod-core>=1.2.2 &&
>>>>>>>> <1.3)
>>>>>>>> Backjump limit reached (change with --max-backjumps).
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Public key ID: E8FE60D7
>>>>>>>> Public key server: see, e.g., hkp://keys.gnupg.net
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 3:32 PM, Christopher Allen <
>>>>>>>> cma at bitemyapp.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Ah that's frustrating, that's my mistake – I'm sorry. I thought
>>>>>>>>> you were talking about GHC for Mac OS X not being available for your OS
>>>>>>>>> version either.
>>>>>>>>> Your best bet on HP is to specify an older version of Yesod that
>>>>>>>>> will work with the dependencies that your version of HP comes with.
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Miguel A. Santos <
>>>>>>>>> miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Indeed I saw that. That's what I meant with the bindist not being
>>>>>>>>>> available for OSX 10.6.8; only for 10.7+
>>>>>>>>>> https://www.haskell.org/ghc/download_ghc_7_8_4#macosx_x86_64
>>>>>>>>>> My bad, I should have said it before.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Public key ID: E8FE60D7
>>>>>>>>>> Public key server: see, e.g., hkp://keys.gnupg.net
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 2:36 PM, Christopher Allen <
>>>>>>>>>> cma at bitemyapp.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Did you see that the Mac instructions said to follow the "other
>>>>>>>>>>> *nix" instructions if you were using an older version of Mac OS X?
>>>>>>>>>>> Those link here:
>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.haskell.org/ghc/download_ghc_7_8_4#binaries
>>>>>>>>>>> Get rid of all that (GHC, HP, Cabal), then install GHC using the
>>>>>>>>>>> bindist for Mac OS X linked above.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 1:14 PM, Miguel A. Santos <
>>>>>>>>>>> miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> That is obviously a typo: I meant I *did* do a fresh install of
>>>>>>>>>>>> the Haskell Platform and cabal before
>>>>>>>>>>>> trying -and failing- to install yesod.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 1:38 PM, Miguel A. Santos <
>>>>>>>>>>>> miguel.a.santos.l at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This corresponds to a fresh install of the HP, ghc, and cabal
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I didn't before trying to install yesod.
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Public key ID: E8FE60D7
>>>>>>>>>>>> Public key server: see, e.g., hkp://keys.gnupg.net
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>> Haskell-Cafe at haskell.org
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://mail.haskell.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Chris Allen
>>>>>>>>>>> Currently working on http://haskellbook.com
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Chris Allen
>>>>>>>>> Currently working on http://haskellbook.com
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Chris Allen
>>>>>>> Currently working on http://haskellbook.com
>>>>> --
>>>>> Chris Allen
>>>>> Currently working on http://haskellbook.com
>>> --
>>> Chris Allen
>>> Currently working on http://haskellbook.com
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> Haskell-Cafe at haskell.org
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