[Haskell-cafe] Using GHC API to compile Haskell sources to CORE and CORE to binary

Wojciech Danilo wojciech.danilo at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 23:10:55 UTC 2015

Hello All! :)
Recently I've came across a problem and hopefully you could help me with
it. Basically I and some people here are running a startup and we have
created a language for processing images. This language has 2
interchangeable representations - textual and visual, dataflow one.

Right now we are compiling it to haskell sources, but we want to move over
GHC CORE. Getting into GHC has a high learning curve, as far as we see, and
we would be very thankfull for any help with a minimal working example of
compiling haskell sources to CORE and then CORE to binaries. I've posted
couple days ago a detailed question on StackOverflow, here:


I would be very thankful for any help or hints!
All the best,
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