[Haskell-cafe] an idea for modifiyng data/newtype syntax: use `::=` instead of `=`

Miguel Mitrofanov miguelimo38 at yandex.ru
Mon Aug 10 09:28:54 UTC 2015

So that copy-pasting from the paper to the interpreter would result in compilation failures. Bravo.

10.08.2015, 12:22, "Alexey Muranov" <alexey.muranov at gmail.com>:
> On Sunday, August 9, 2015 at 11:53:35 PM UTC+3, Tom Ellis wrote:
>> My +1 was to keeping a record of small but breaking changes that, if made at
>> inception, would have benefitted what Haskell is now.  What anyone else
>> wants to *do* with such a record is up to them.
> A separate +1 to this emphasis on keeping track of possible or desired (even if unfeasible) improvements.
> Here is my another argument for this: academic papers about Haskell or functional programming do not have to keep to the actual Haskell syntax.  IMO, they could benefit in clarity by switching to some pseudo-Haskell with `:` instead of `::` for typing, `::=` instead of `=` in `data` definition, etc:  the description language of the underlying abstraction should be independent from the current implementation syntax.
> Alexey.
> ,
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