[Haskell-cafe] CFP: FHPC 2015: Workshop on Functional High-Performance Computing [w/ICFP]

Trevor McDonell trevor.mcdonell at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 13:57:35 UTC 2015

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                           CALL FOR PAPERS

                              FHPC 2015

                   The 4th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on
                Functional High-Performance Computing

             Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Canada
                          September 3, 2015


Co-located with the International Conference on Functional Programming
                             (ICFP 2015)

Submission Deadline: Friday, 15 May, 2015 (anywhere on earth)

The FHPC workshop aims at bringing together researchers exploring uses
of functional (or more generally, declarative or high-level)
programming technology in application domains where high performance
is essential. The aim of the meeting is to enable sharing of results,
experiences, and novel ideas about how high-level, declarative
specifications of computationally challenging problems can serve as
maintainable and portable code that approaches (or even exceeds) the
performance of machine-oriented imperative implementations.

All aspects of performance critical programming and parallel
programming are in-scope for the workshop, irrespective of hardware
target. This includes both traditional large-scale scientific
computing (HPC), as well as work targeting single node systems with
SMPs, GPUs, FPGAs, or embedded processors. It is becoming apparent
that radically new and well founded methodologies for programming such
systems are required to address their inherent complexity and to
reconcile execution performance with programming productivity.


Accepted papers will be published by the ACM and will appear in the
ACM Digital Library.

 * Submissions due: Friday, 15 May, 2015 (anywhere on earth)
 * Author notification: Friday, 26 June, 2015
 * Final copy due: Sunday, 19 July, 2015

Submitted papers must be in portable document format (PDF), formatted
according to the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines (2 column, 9pt format).
See http://www.sigplan.org/authorInformation.htm for more information
and style files. Typical papers are expected to be 8 pages (but up to
four additional pages are permitted).

Contributions to FHPC 2015 should be submitted via Easychair, at the
following URL:

 * https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fhpc15

The submission site is now open.

The FHPC workshops adhere to the ACM SIGPLAN policies regarding
programme committee contributions and republication. Any paper
submitted must adhere to ACM SIGPLAN's republication policy. PC member
submissions are welcome, but will be reviewed to a higher standard.


Travel Support:

Student attendees with accepted papers can apply for a SIGPLAN PAC
grant to help cover travel expenses. PAC also offers other support, such
as for child-care expenses during the meeting or for travel costs for
companions of SIGPLAN members with physical disabilities, as well as for
travel from locations outside of North America and Europe. For details
on the PAC programme, see its web page (http://www.sigplan.org/PAC.htm).

Programme Committee:

Tiark Rompf (co-chair)          Purdue University, USA
Geoffrey Mainland (co-chair)    Drexel University, USA

Kevin Brown                     Stanford University, USA
James Cheney                    University of Edinburgh, UK
Albert Cohen                    INRIA, France
David Duke                      University of Leeds, UK
Yukiyoshi Kameyama              University of Tsukuba, Japan
Gabriele Keller                 University of New South Wales, Australia
Paul H J Kelly                  Imperial College London, UK
Trevor L. Mcdonell              Indiana University, USA
Greg Michaelson                 Heriot-Watt University, UK
Cosmin E. Oancea                University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Markus Pueschel                 ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Sukyoung Ryu                    KAIST, Korea
Alexander Slesarenko            Huawei, Russia
Josef Svenningsson              Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
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