[Haskell-cafe] Is there a name for this algebraic structure?

Kyle Marek-Spartz kyle.marek.spartz at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 17:00:02 UTC 2015

A CRDT may be a commutative semi-group, where the operation is merge.

Given two conflicting versions, the merge operation yields an updated

Associativity is important for this use case since one does not know the
order that versions will be reconciled.

Commutativity is important for this use case since version A merged with
version B should be the same as version B merged with version A.

Hopefully this helps.

Gleb Peregud writes:

> Thanks for answers and sorry for goofy definitions and laws. I didn't think
> it thoroughly enough.
> In general I think I was looking for something slightly less powerful than
> this CRDTs:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflict-free_replicated_data_type
> Basically I would like to find an algebraic structure which corresponds to
> a versioned shared data-structure which can be synchronized using log
> replication between multiple actors/applications/devices. Think if a
> structure which can be used to synchronize chat room with messages or
> friends list or notification panel content, etc. It should work over
> intermittent connection, with a single source of truth (a server), can be
> incrementally updated to the latest version based on some cached stale
> version, etc. I think I need to think a bit more about this to find a
> proper definitions and laws.
> Cheers,
> Gleb
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 4:51 AM, Richard A. O'Keefe <ok at cs.otago.ac.nz>
> wrote:
>> You said in words that
>> > Every S can be reconstructed from a sequence of updates:
>> but your formula
>> >     forall s. exists [a]. s == foldl update empty [a]
>> says that a (not necessarily unique) sequence of updates
>> can be reconstructed from every S.  I think you meant
>> something like "there are no elements of S but those
>> that can be constructed by a sequence of updates".
>> I'm a little confused by "a" being lower case.
>> There's a little wrinkle that tells me this isn't going to
>> be simple.
>> type A = Bool
>> newtype S = S [A]
>> empty :: S
>> empty = S []
>> update :: S -> A -> S
>> update o@(S (x:xs)) y | x == y = o
>> update   (S xs) y              = S (y:xs)
>> reconstruct :: S -> [A]
>> reconstruct (S xs) = xs
>> Here update is *locally* idempotent:
>> update (update s a) a == update s a
>> But it's not *globally* idempotent:
>> you can build up a list of any desired length,
>> such as S [False,True,False,True,False],
>> as long as the elements alternate.
>> Perhaps I have misunderstood your specification.
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Kyle Marek-Spartz

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