[Haskell-cafe] Is there a name for this algebraic structure?
Richard A. O'Keefe
ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Tue Apr 21 02:51:16 UTC 2015
You said in words that
> Every S can be reconstructed from a sequence of updates:
but your formula
> forall s. exists [a]. s == foldl update empty [a]
says that a (not necessarily unique) sequence of updates
can be reconstructed from every S. I think you meant
something like "there are no elements of S but those
that can be constructed by a sequence of updates".
I'm a little confused by "a" being lower case.
There's a little wrinkle that tells me this isn't going to
be simple.
type A = Bool
newtype S = S [A]
empty :: S
empty = S []
update :: S -> A -> S
update o@(S (x:xs)) y | x == y = o
update (S xs) y = S (y:xs)
reconstruct :: S -> [A]
reconstruct (S xs) = xs
Here update is *locally* idempotent:
update (update s a) a == update s a
But it's not *globally* idempotent:
you can build up a list of any desired length,
such as S [False,True,False,True,False],
as long as the elements alternate.
Perhaps I have misunderstood your specification.
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