[Haskell-cafe] Coding katas/dojos and functional programming introduction

Alexander Solla alex.solla at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 19:23:24 UTC 2015

The first exercise I did when I learned Haskell some 8 years ago was
re-implement all of the list functions in the Prelude, based on the types
and documentation.

On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 11:34 PM, Gautier DI FOLCO <
gautier.difolco at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Some days ago I have participated to a coding dojo* which aimed to be an
> introduction to functional programming. I have also facilitate 3 of events
> like this and do several talks on this subject. But I'm kinda disappointed
> because each time there is a common pattern:
> 1. Unveil the problem which will be treated
> 2. Let the attendees solve it
> 3. Show the FP-ish solution (generally a bunch of map/fold)
> I think it's frustrating for the attendees (because they don't try to
> solve it) and gives a false illusion of knowledge.
> I don't consider myself as a "FP guru" or anything but for me FP is a
> matter of types and expressions, so when someone illustrate FP via
> map/fold, it's kind of irritating.
> Ironically, the best workshop I have done was on functional generalization
> (you begin by two hard coded functions, sum and product, and you extract
> Foldable and Monoid), but again, it's not satisfying.
> We can do better, we should do better.
> Have you got any feedback/subjet ideas/examples on how to introduce "real"
> FP to beginners in a short amount of time (like 1-3 hours)?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Regards.
> * Basically you have 2 to 3 hours, a problem and you try to solve with in
> iteration with different constraints
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