[Haskell-cafe] Best way to Introduce FP into a dev team withmany C, C++ and Java developers?
ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Sat Oct 18 01:48:33 UTC 2014
Donn Cave wrote
> But someone who's obliged to use recursive functions to replace the
> loop-with-mutables functionality he or she is used to, is going to be
> confronted with some awkward limitations, because loop-with-mutables
> supports more or less unlimited possibilities, where recursion is
> (for at least one thing) bound by the need for each iteration to be
> the same type. That isn't just "you need a new mindset to appreciate
> this" kind of thing, it's an example of a real obstacle that you just
> have to learn to get around.
Can you expand on this, because I just don't get it.
while Cond do Stmt
-- where Vars change in Stmt
loop Vars where loop Vars = if Cond then Stmt;Vars' else Vars
Ad hoc definition: *shallow mutation* is replacing the values of
entire variables, *deep mutation* is replacing proper parts of
variables, *dangerous mutation* is replacing *shared* proper parts
of variables.
Any loop with shallow mutation can be trivially transliterated to
a tail recursion with the same asymptotic cost. Any loop with
deep mutation can be trivially transliterated to a tail recursion
but with possibly a log(size of data) slowdown -- using uniqueness
typing in Clean or monads in Haskell this slowdown can usually be
avoided. Any loop with dangerous mutation is asking for trouble in
any language, and will be very awkward to express in a functional
language, but the problem is the dangerous mutation, not the looping.
In imperative languages (such as Dijkstra's notation, Fortran, C,
PL/I, C#, D, any of the Algols, Ada,
) I am used to loops where
each iteration uses the same body, so I don't understand how this
is any less restrictive than a recursion.
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