[Haskell-cafe] Best way to Introduce FP into a dev team withmany C, C++ and Java developers?

Donn Cave donn at avvanta.com
Fri Oct 17 15:45:08 UTC 2014

quoth Rustom Mody <rustompmody at gmail.com>
> Here is a grab-bag list that I made for a similar purpose:
> http://blog.languager.org/2012/10/functional-programming-lost-booty.html
> IOW its not really focussed on any language *technology* -- functional or
> otherwise.  Rather it lists out (a bit tersely I guess [?]) what are some
> key *concepts/perspective* that a programmer needs to get, to think
> functionally

Looks good, for me it's about the right amount of terse and covers a
lot of ground.

I don't know if it would help or hinder the learning experience, to
acknowledge that there are some trade-offs.

This doesn't apply so much to Scala, because (I think - from fiddling
around with it for a week years ago) Scala, Objective CAML et al. support
mutable variables and loop constructs etc., so ... it's a floor wax
AND a dessert topping.

But someone who's obliged to use recursive functions to replace the
loop-with-mutables functionality he or she is used to, is going to be
confronted with some awkward limitations, because loop-with-mutables
supports more or less unlimited possibilities, where recursion is
(for at least one thing) bound by the need for each iteration to be
the same type.  That isn't just "you need a new mindset to appreciate
this" kind of thing, it's an example of a real obstacle that you just
have to learn to get around.


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