[Haskell-cafe] [Announce] Music Suite v1.8

Hans Höglund hans at hanshoglund.se
Sun Nov 30 18:17:42 UTC 2014

I am happy to announce the release of Music Suite version 1.8.

This release in short: Cleaner API for dealing with Voices, Notes and time structures in general. New equal-temperament pitch representation. Improved handling of diatonic vs. chromatic transposition in the Common pitch representation. Better support for clef and staff line positions. Better support for handling instrument ambitus etc.

See full notes at https://github.com/music-suite/music-docs/blob/master/releases/Notes.md#18

The Music Suite is a language for description, analysis, composition and manipulation of music embedded in Haskell. For more information see http://music-suite.github.io or my talk at FARM2014 http://functional-art.org/2014/.

Hans Hoeglund


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