[Haskell-cafe] cabal keeps relinking

Semen Trygubenko / Семен Тригубенко semen at trygub.com
Fri Nov 7 15:35:49 UTC 2014

Dear Haskell-Cafe,

cabal seems to be re-linking every time I run

cabal build

Wait was not an issue for small projects but for big ones
it is starting to get in the way… How could I persuade
cabal to re-link only if there are changes in the source tree
and only these exes that require it?

Many thanks,

PS I googled around and found this


which seems to imply relink is (was?) conditional on multiple exes being
present in the project. However, for me it was always relinking regardless.

Семен Тригубенко http://trygub.com
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