[Haskell-cafe] Fwd: Composable events: Applicative and Alternative
Corentin Dupont
corentin.dupont at gmail.com
Fri May 16 20:01:20 UTC 2014
It seems that a Behavior in Reactive-Banana is an applicative:
But not an Alternative, why? It seems useful to return the value of an
event or another, depending on which fires first.
What I want to do, is to use the Event tree for two distinct purposes:
- represent the events relation, and display the necessary widgets,
- store the intermediate values (in case some events already fired but not
Does that seem reasonnable? I don't know if Reactive Banana does the second
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 9:28 PM, Tikhon Jelvis <tikhon at jelv.is> wrote:
> Oops, forgot to include the list.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Tikhon Jelvis <tikhon at jelv.is>
> Date: Fri, May 16, 2014 at 12:27 PM
> Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composable events: Applicative and Alternative
> To: Corentin Dupont <corentin.dupont at gmail.com>
> It sounds like you're trying to solve the same problems as FRP. In fact,
> this was basically the original impetus for FRP: making events (and
> reactive programs in general) nicely composable.
> Perhaps you could take a look at how event streams work in frameworks like
> Reactive-Banana? Reactive-Banana doesn't make its events applicatives, but
> it's a perfectly reasonable thing to do: there's a great explanation in
> Conal's "Push-Pull Functional Reactive Programming"[1] in section 2.2.4.
> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 12:15 PM, Corentin Dupont <
> corentin.dupont at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I created a DSL to manage and create events (see under). It's an instance
>> of Applicative and Alternative, which make them compose nicely.
>> The idea is that when an event is firing, I look the corresponding event
>> in the tree and replace it by its value using Pure.
>> For example onInputText will trigger the display of a form with a text
>> field on the screen, and when the player validates the form, the same
>> onInputText is searched in the tree by the engine and replaced by the
>> text value. This is where the difficulty begins:
>> --> How to make Event an instance of Eq? How to search and replace
>> through it?
>> The problem is the EventProduct primitive, that forbids to make the DSL
>> an instance of Eq:
>> EventProduct :: Event (a -> b) -> Event a -> Event b
>> Should I replace it by:
>> EventProduct :: Event a -> Event b -> Event (a,b)
>> But then, bye-bye Applicative/Alternative instances!
>> How can I make the tree of events searchable/traversable and still
>> maintain the Applicative instance?
>> Thanks!!
>> Corentin
>> On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 8:02 PM, Corentin Dupont <
>> corentin.dupont at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Cafe!!
>>> For my game Nomyx, I am using events that the player can program. For
>>> example, the player can register a callback that will be triggered when a
>>> new player arrives. He can also program some forms (with buttons,
>>> checkboxes, textboxes...) to appear on the Web GUI. The problem is
>>> those events are not composable: he has to create and handle them one by
>>> one.
>>> So I'm thinking of making those events composable by making them an
>>> instance of Applicative and Alternative.
>>> For Applicative, this makes events composable very much like in
>>> Applicative-Functors and Reform. I can build neat composed events such as
>>> (full program below):
>>> onInputMyRecord :: Event MyRecord
>>> onInputMyRecord = MyRecord <$> onInputText <*> onInputCheckbox
>>> For Alternative, I haven't seen any example of it on the net. The idea
>>> is that the first event that fires is used to build the alternative:
>>> onInputMyAlternative :: Event Bool
>>> onInputMyAlternative = (True <$ onInputButton) <|> (False <$
>>> onInputButton)
>>> Here is an example program:
>>> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
>>> module ComposableEvents where
>>> import Control.Applicative
>>> import Data.Time
>>> import Data.Traversable
>>> type PlayerNumber = Int
>>> data Event a where
>>> OnInputText :: PlayerNumber -> Event String -- A textbox
>>> will be created for the player. When filled, this event will fire and
>>> return the result
>>> OnInputCheckbox :: PlayerNumber -> Event Bool -- Idem with a
>>> checkbox
>>> OnInputButton :: PlayerNumber -> Event () -- Idem with a
>>> button
>>> OnTime :: UTCTime -> Event () -- time event
>>> EventSum :: Event a -> Event a -> Event a -- The first
>>> event to fire will be returned
>>> EventProduct :: Event (a -> b) -> Event a -> Event b -- both events
>>> should fire, and then the result is returned
>>> Fmap :: (a -> b) -> Event a -> Event b -- transforms
>>> the value returned by an event.
>>> Pure :: a -> Event a -- Create a
>>> fake event. The result is useable with no delay.
>>> Empty :: Event a -- An event
>>> that is never fired.
>>> instance Functor Event where
>>> fmap = Fmap
>>> instance Applicative Event where
>>> pure = Pure
>>> (<*>) = EventProduct
>>> instance Alternative Event where
>>> (<|>) = EventSum
>>> empty = Empty
>>> onInputText = OnInputText
>>> onInputCheckbox = OnInputCheckbox
>>> onInputButton = OnInputButton
>>> onTime = OnTime
>>> -- A product type
>>> data MyRecord = MyRecord String Bool
>>> -- A sum type
>>> data MyAlternative = A | B
>>> -- Using the Applicative instance, we can build a product type from two
>>> separate event results.
>>> -- The event callback should be called only when all two events have
>>> fired.
>>> onInputMyRecord :: Event MyRecord
>>> onInputMyRecord = MyRecord <$> onInputText 1 <*> onInputCheckbox 1
>>> -- other possible implementation (given a monad instance)
>>> -- onInputMyRecord' = do
>>> -- s <- onInputText
>>> -- b <- onInputCheckbox
>>> -- return $ MyRecord s b
>>> -- Using the Alternative instance, we build a sum type.
>>> -- The event callback should be called when the first event have fired.
>>> onInputMyAlternative :: Event MyAlternative
>>> onInputMyAlternative = (const A <$> onInputButton 1) <|> (const B <$>
>>> onInputButton 1)
>>> allPlayers = [1 .. 10]
>>> -- Now complex events can be created, such as voting systems:
>>> voteEvent :: UTCTime -> Event ([Maybe Bool])
>>> voteEvent time = sequenceA $ map (singleVote time) allPlayers
>>> singleVote :: UTCTime -> PlayerNumber -> Event (Maybe Bool)
>>> singleVote timeLimit pn = (Just <$> onInputCheckbox pn) <|> (const
>>> Nothing <$> onTime timeLimit)
>>> vote :: UTCTime -> Event Bool
>>> vote timeLimit = unanimity <$> (voteEvent timeLimit)
>>> unanimity :: [Maybe Bool] -> Bool
>>> unanimity = all (== Just True)
>>> --Evaluation
>>> --evalEvent :: Event a -> State Game a
>>> --evalEvent = undefined
>>> With this DSL, I can create complex events such as time limited votes
>>> very neatly...
>>> There is much left to do for a full implem: the way to register
>>> callbacks on complex events, the evaluator and the event manager.
>>> Have you heard about a similar implementation? It seems pretty useful.
>>> Maybe in FRP frameworks?
>>> Thanks a lot!!
>>> Corentin
>>> PS: I copied this example also in
>>> https://github.com/cdupont/Nomyx-design/blob/master/ComposableEvents.hs.
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