[Haskell-cafe] Feedback/Ideas for a Master Thesis about creating a Querying Tool for Hackage

Victor Nithander nithande at student.chalmers.se
Thu Mar 27 17:51:26 UTC 2014


My name is Victor Nithander and I am currently doing my Master Thesis at
the Computer Science and Engineering department at Chalmers in Gothenburg
and would like to ask you for some help.

My Master Thesis is about creating a querying tool for Hackage written in
Haskell and I would like to know what kind of features you would like the
querying tool to have. My plan is to design and implement an embedded
language for queries to be expressed in and then implement a backend which
accordingly takes care of those queries. I then plan to packet the tool as
a package using Cabal and upload it to Hackage.

Any feedback/ideas on features or other things about the tool would be
greatly appreciated as I want to make a tool which benefits the community
as much as possible.

Examples of queries I'm thinking of to implement is:


   Which language features (such as typeclass instances) does a certain
   package use?

   How many packages uses a certain language feature?

   Which packages does a certain package depend on?

   Which packages depends on a certain package?

Of course, this in no way limits what other type of queries could be made.

I will also post this at the Haskell Section of reddit at
http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/, sorry for the redundancy.

Feel free to respond to this either at this mailing list, at reddit, or as
a personal email at nithande at student.chalmers.se though I think the best
would be to have an open discussion about it.

Thanks in advance!

/ Victor
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