[Haskell-cafe] Intuition to understand ...

Jerzy Karczmarczuk jerzy.karczmarczuk at unicaen.fr
Wed Jul 30 18:59:37 UTC 2014

Le 30/07/2014 20:00, martin a écrit :
> for other things, like an integral or a gradient I have a strong intuition.
Oh, do you?...
My deepest respect and admiration.

I have used gradients and integrals for almost a half of century, and I 
lost all intuition thereof several times... I thought I had quite a 
quite substantial intuition of gradients, and then I discovered 
tensorial calculus, and when my intuition "progressed", I discovered 
differential forms, and then fibre bundles, and I broke some teeth on 
topological issues, and then ...
And with integrals it was much worse. Без водки не разберешь!

> In math, the only ways I know of to get a better intuition is practice and a good teacher. Maybe it is the same in haskell?
In math, your practice doesn't give you any intuition. Your training and 
your teacher increase your belief that the model you use is right. It is 
the "love after marriage" syndrome. It works with most formal, 
disciplined approach to anything, Haskell included. It is needed that 
you can *formulate* your thoughts, but the true intuition, your insight, 
the impression that you KNOW that something is "right", is independent 
of it.

The best.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Caen, France

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