[Haskell-cafe] extensible-transformers
Roman Cheplyaka
roma at ro-che.info
Thu Jul 10 05:42:31 UTC 2014
Hi Ben,
I recently wrote a package with the same intent, called monad-classes
First, I am astonished with the simplicity of your approach. My library is much more
complicated, and uses closed type families to find the right layer.
I honestly didn't expect anything as simple as that to work — and yet is seems
to do well, at least in simple cases that I checked. I am not sure about more
complex ones — the use of IncoherentInstances somewhat bothers me, and I wonder
if it's going to backfire in more complex settings.
monad-classes also allows more flexibility regarding which transformers can
handle given effects:
* @MonadState s@ constraint can be handled by both lazy and strict StateT
* @MonadReader r@ can be handled by @StateT r@ (and similarly for
* Given a lens from s' to s, @MonadState s@ can be handled by @StateT s'@
* Ben Foppa <benjamin.foppa at gmail.com> [2014-07-09 19:52:17-0400]
> Hi cafe, I whipped up extensible-transformers (
> https://github.com/RobotGymnast/extensible-transformers) this afternoon.
> The idea is to make Monad transformer code more like extensible-effects
> code (http://hackage.haskell.org/package/extensible-effects). Here's a
> sample:
> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
> module Main(main) where
> import Control.Monad.Trans.Flexible
> import Control.Monad.Trans.List
> import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
> -- A flexible transformer stack built from existing transformers using
> `liftT`.
> bar :: (In (StateT Int) t, In ListT t) => t ()
> bar = do
> n <- liftT get
> liftT $ ListT $ return $ replicate n ()
> -- A flexible transformer stack built from existing transformers using
> `liftT`.
> baz :: In (StateT Int) t => t ()
> baz = do
> liftT $ state $ \i -> ((), i + (1 :: Int))
> -- A flexible transformer monad stack composed of two other flexible
> -- transformer monad stacks.
> foo :: (In (StateT Int) t, In ListT t) => t ()
> foo = do
> bar
> baz
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> evalStateT (runListT foo) (1 :: Int) >>= putStrLn . show
> runListT (evalStateT foo (2 :: Int)) >>= putStrLn . show
> Any feedback on this? Does such a package already exist?
> Thanks,
> Ben
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