[Haskell-cafe] Announcing Haskell bindings to libsystemd-journal

Oliver Charles ollie at ocharles.org.uk
Wed Feb 5 17:26:38 UTC 2014

Hi all,

Just a brief announcement - I've just released Haskell bindings to
libsystemd-journal, the systemd library for writing directly to the

I've tried to be moderately type safe without giving up flexibility or
ease of use. The documentation is at:


Note that some of the hyperlinks on this page don't work, and I can't be
bothered fighting with Hackage to make them work. Sorry! If you need
that, just install the library and you can read documentation
locally. To install this library, you'll need libsystemd-journal (which
you probably have if you're reading this) and then you can just run:

  cabal install libsystemd-journal

Happy logging!
- ocharles

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