[Haskell-cafe] Mixing own and derived instances with Generic Deriving Mechanism

José Pedro Magalhães jpm at cs.uu.nl
Tue Feb 4 16:32:22 UTC 2014

Hi Maarten,

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 12:53 PM, Maarten Faddegon <
haskell-cafe at maartenfaddegon.nl> wrote:

>  Thanks! I rewrote my example from gshow into gshowPrec and now it works
> as expected :)
> Would it be correct to say that the 'from'-function does a shallow convert
> of my value into the type representation (up to the constant
> representations),

This is true, yes.

> and from there we either use an ad-hoc instance of gshowPrec, or we do
> another shallow convert one layer deeper via the default gShowPrec?

The shallow vs. deep representation isn't really at play here. The
outermost type (|MyData|)
is not the same as the innermost type (|MyFancyType|). The issue is that
you defined an
adhoc |gshow|, but in fact the function that was being used is
|gshowsPrec|, which was
using the generic default. That and the fact that the generic |gshow| is
defined in terms of


> Cheers,
> Maarten
> On 02/02/14 16:02, José Pedro Magalhães wrote:
> Hi Maarten,
>  The problem here is that your instance of GShow MyFancyType defines
> gshow, but the
> function that is defined generically is actually gshowsPrec, with the
> others being given
> defaults. For this to work as you'd expect it to, you have to define
> gshowsPrec in the
> instance GShow MyFancyType. This is a bit unfortunate, but because
> gshowsPrec has
>  a generic default, it cannot have the usual default (like showsPrec
> does).
>  Cheers,
> Pedro
> On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 12:11 PM, Maarten Faddegon <
> haskell-cafe at maartenfaddegon.nl> wrote:
>> Dear Pedro, Cafe,
>> Thanks again for helping me out last December. I have been
>> playing a bit more with deriving show and now ran into an
>> interesting problem mixing my own instances with derived
>> instances. Hope you can enlighten me there!
>> > {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
>> > module Test where
>> > import GHC.Generics
>> > import Generics.Deriving.Show
>> The Generic Deriving Mechanism adds the keyword 'default' to
>> class definitions.  With this keyword we can define a
>> type-generic definition of that method when not given. For
>> example, if we define our own MyData type, we can derive the
>> GShow methods:
>> > data MyData = MyData MyFancyType deriving Generic
>> > instance GShow MyData
>> We can also still give our own definition, for example if we want
>> values of the MyFancyType to always be shown as the same string:
>> > data MyFancyType = MyFancy1 | MyFancy2 deriving Generic
>> > instance GShow MyFancyType where
>> >       gshow _ = "Fancy!"
>> There is something strange here though: when we use gshow
>> directly on a MyFancyType value our own instance definition is
>> used, evaluating as expected to "Fancy!".
>> > ex1 = gshow MyFancy1
>> But as soon as we are inside a derived method, we will continue
>> using derived instances even though we defined our own. The
>> example below evaluates to "MyData MyFancy1", rather than "MyData
>> Fancy!":
>> > ex2 = gshow (MyData MyFancy1)
>> The default methods of GShow are defined in terms of methods from
>> GShow' which operate on the type-representation. From this
>> representation I do not see a way to recover the information
>> that a type has a GShow instance.  Am I correct (I hope not :) or
>> is there a way out?
>> Cheers,
>> Maarten Faddegon
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